
New goggles for contact lens wearer

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That happened to me. I had the worst landing of my life because I had no depth perception and flared WAY too high.

What works best for me is the flexi goggles. The ones that are just flexible clear plastic, because they mold to your face and seal better than the ones that are hard, shaped plastic. if the little air holes are a problem, a little piece of duct tape or a hot glue gun will fix it right quick. they cost about $15.

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I believe Nightingail is refering to the Flex-Z goggles.

Also nice are the FlexVision goggles. Super adjustable and seal so well I wear them over small glasses....

PM me if you need help finding them.....
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The best goggles for contact wearers are the cheaper ones fortunately. I wear contacts and have not had any problems with the Flexvision Goggles. They are not as comfy but they work. I make a little loop too tighten them up real good before exiting and loosen them up under canopy. In the past I have tried em all. Nothing really entirely seals out the wind like the Flexvision googles....

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I need some suggestions on a new pair of goggles. I wear soft contacts and have had them sucked right out of my eye in freefall with the goggles I have now.
Looking to spend no more than $30.

Grateful Freds have been my goggle of choice for about the past nine years. They are a little softer than the Flexvision goggles, don't have that little edge that falls off and gets all sticky like the Flex-Z, mold perfectly to your face, last just about forever if you take halfway decent care of them...and it's all that for only 6 bucks!

Sunshine factory has them in six different colors, I highly recommend them.

Hope this helps...

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It's strange how som people loose their contact easy, and other not.
I had to open my visir on my Z1 in freefall due to fogging. I still kept my contacts on... Guess I may be just lucky.

Anyhow, I know there are differnt sizes and types of contacts. I would suggest to ask your optician if he/she might have a type of contacts that fit your eye better. If they have no other types to offer, go to another optician.

This is not an uncommon problem. One girl I know got herself a Z1, and it solved her problems.

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I wear FLex-Zs.
I find that my contacts want to pop out when I'm diving at a steep angle. So a little tape over the top vent holes works well.

Also, after a while, you just learn to adjust your eyes to keep the darn things in. In fact, I remove my goggles under canopy. And I have a pretty fast moving parachute too.

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Flex Z's are the way to go..

I loved my zorz until I lost them twice in two days during HD dives..i had them tightened as far as they would go and they still grabbed to much air once and pulled off once and let enough air in to pop a contact out on another dive...

they Flex Zs might only last a hundred jumps or so, but they are cheap enough to replace easily when they do....

there is little worse than being taken out of a kickin dive by your own gear....[:/]
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The soft vinyl type work the best for me.

Just make sure that the are snug so the air can't wick up on your eyes and cause tearing.

I like the Flex-z brand.

And I like to go very very fast. No problems.

Just my 2 cents worth!

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Depends on the shape of your face.;)
As JP said the flexvisions fit over my glasses nice and snug.
Have you considered prescription goggles?

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best solution ever LASER your eyes

I prefer my night lenses over lasering anytime!

Many people think it's an April Fool joke, but IMHO night lenses are the best thing since sliced bread!

I wear contact lenses for at least six hours every night and my vision was better than 100% when I had my eyes tested yesterday. (I'm only a simple programmer, don't ask me how you can have more than 100%...)

No glasses, no lenses, no problems during skydiving!!!!:)

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best solution ever LASER your eyes

I prefer my night lenses over lasering anytime!

Many people think it's an April Fool joke, but IMHO night lenses are the best thing since sliced bread!

I wear contact lenses for at least six hours every night and my vision was better than 100% when I had my eyes tested yesterday. (I'm only a simple programmer, don't ask me how you can have more than 100%...)

No glasses, no lenses, no problems during skydiving!!!!:)


Yes, I noticed a similar affect back when I wore hard contact lenses. They were not a perfect fit and subtly changed the curvature of my corneas. It took two or three days for my eyes to re-adjust to wearing glasses (same prescription).

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Yup, no depth perception sucks! Happened to me at couchfreaks, the grass was alot taller than it looked with one good eye. B|hehe Thanks for all the suggestions. I think I'll be tryin the overall favorite Flex Z's. Lasik would be the best bet for sure, but I'll have to wait till next semester to use my fiancial aid for that.

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