
Safety whistles mandatory at your DZ?

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>The tandem instructors are simply having the >passenger hum on final approach, which is working >well as it gives the passenger something to focus >on other than lifting their legs and screaming.


----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JUMP SAFE!

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Now that's funny right there . . . I don't care who ya are!

Oooh, a Larry the Cable Guy reference.....and yes that was funny, need to clean the computer screen after that one.

Hey Riggerrob, is this your FIRST April Fools post? Good one, that was pretty funny.


If you wait 'til the last minute, it'll only take a minute.

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FYI, bassoons don't use whistles. They use "double reeds."

Many casual bassoon players are turning to synthetic reeds these days, but die-hards stick with the natural item. They require a lot of soaking/spit/sucking on/softening up before they can make a sound. Really gives your tandem student something to do under canopy!

This is probably our 2nd best joke today - the first was when a close friend-of-a-friend who'd had a low turn incident last weekend showed up. I asked how he was doing & was told -- "Sorry man, he died this morning."

Ohhhhhhh man. Skydivers - you gotta love em, as long as they pay their rigging bills.
Alpha Mike Foxtrot,

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We tried them out at our DZ, but they kept snagging in the packing machine.B|
They were the French whistles, made by Condue.

He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson

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there is a guy at my DZ that had one of those nerf whistles (from the nerf footbal that whistles when you throw it) attached to his helmet.. I dont think he had it for awareness at all..just for making a hell of a screech when hookin'... was pretty cool.. I think it fell off in freefall though..
this space for rent.

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