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Just found this web site while surfing the web. Did my first jump (a tandom) in Sept. Started AFF the next month but broke my leg on jump 3 so Im going through withdrawal in the worst way B| Lots of great info and feedback to learn from in the forums. Hope to be able to jump again if the DZ will let me in the plane again ;)

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Welcome to the forums! Don't listen to those guys, I'm quite harmless. Just follow the 4 simple rules and we'll get along fine. Clay told me I was like a cobra, but someone else told me I was just a big, fat worm. :P

She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Welcome Paramecium. How is it a single-celled organism such as yourself can have a leg to break? Maybe you're really a Euglena and just having an identity crisis. Those little tails do break sometimes.

And don't listen to Skymama, she is HOT, HOT, HOT!!!



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Welcome....and cool name. I had considered that when i first started posting, but went with one that better reflected my landing abilities. :)


Clay told me I was like a cobra, but someone else told me I was just a big, fat worm.

I just can't believe anyone would refer to the lovely and talented Andrea as "fat". Maybe you'd better go back and re-read my.....er....THEIR message again. :P


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I just can't believe anyone would refer to the lovely and talented Andrea as "fat". Maybe you'd better go back and re-read my.....er....THEIR message again

Ok, the exact message was, "a really big worm". But you should know the mind of a woman by now, Don. The words "big" and "fat" are interchangable. ;)
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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