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I've been lurkin' for a while and figure It's about time to say hello. I've be skydiving since July of 2000 and have managed to squeek 50 jumps and an A license out of our budget.
I have a wife and two great boys who have had to survive on Top Ramin and Mac n cheese for the last two years. (just kidding;)) My sons can't wait to give freefall a try.

My first jump was a 30th Birthday gift to myself. I've been hooked ever since. I'm afraid that if I miss a month of jumping, I may never make it back, so I always stay current, even if it's just one jump.

Anyhow, I've got to go to work and hop on my hamster wheel. Have a great day-

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Hi Jon,

Welcome to the forums. Trust me, you'll enjoy it.

I honestly think that was the best B-Day gift you could have gotten yourself. Stay current on the forums as wellB|.


Blue skies, fast plains and soft landing's. The three pleasures of life...

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Hi and welcome to the forums. I have to squeeze in my jumping around spending time with my kids and trying to fit it in my budget too. My numbers might not be as high as some of my friends who started out with me, but oh well, my kids are worth it. I'm sure you feel the same. :)

She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Dude...congrats on a delicate balance of priorities. By the way, I have been able to afford more expensive food than Top Ramen for a while now. I still eat it a few times a week! That stuff rocks! I drench it in soy sauce and eat it right out of the pot.


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I met a jumper last friday who lives in my area, but other than that, all my friends are wuffo, or they can't get over the price-"wuffo you spend all that money?"

...if they only knew...

I spent my first year jumping at Air Adventures West in Taft, but have been going to Elsinore for a while.

so anyway, glad you all are here and hope to meet some of ya at the three dimensional DZ.

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Hello Numb

I also have low jumps for the time I've been in. But I am not about to let my life spiral into a hell of debt and bill juggling. And I don't use plastic. Besides, I feed my cat Real Tuna, not that industrial byproduct in a can with a picture of a cat on the label. 1- Bills 2-Cat 3-Skydiving 4-everything else

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Yeah, plastic bad.
The debt outlives the things it bought in the first place. Who'd a thunk it?

I gotta feed my cats Friskies or they barf everywhere. The dogs not picky though, she eats whatevers.

My priorities are similar, as I suspect most jumpers are.
1. Responsibilities (family, work)
3. ...is there more. I seem to have forgotten everything else. hmmm...

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I gotta feed my cats Friskies or they barf everywhere. The dogs not picky though, she eats whatevers.

My priorities are similar, as I suspect most jumpers are.
1. Responsibilities (family, work)
3. ...is there more. I seem to have forgotten everything else. hmmm...

Fuck the cats! That at least a couple of jumps a month:ph34r: You do what you have to do! I'm on a new budget , I only did 570? jumps last year! I'm trying to rebudget!;)
Welcome to the fray and don't be a stranger!

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Welcome, my 1st few jumps was a package for my 25th bday....I always wanted to freefall before I was 25yrs and i did it the weekend before..I was so happy the even sang happy birthday down to me(radio) ;)Have a blast!!!

Blue Skies and Terminal Memories 4 Life

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