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Ooooh, is this the hottie Dale that came to Deland? If it is, fix your picture so all the other chics can see how cute you are. ;)

She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Hey Mama and other kind folk,

I can't vouch for everything you said, but I can confirm that I was in DeLand, last July to be exact. I had an awesome time, and met some great people! At the moment I am not able to jump, mainly because there is no DZ in Bermuda. I also have to wait until the Spring bird migration (not springbreak :P) before I can get off the island again.
I am hoping to do a mini-tour of south and central-Florida this July (DeLand, Z-Hills, Sebastian, etc), so will see you again in the near future.

As for a pic, that should be up shortly.
So for now, watch this space

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Yes, it IS that hottie I remember! B| I know this because I remember you telling me about those darn birds that you have to keep off the runway. Do you still have dreams of opening a dz in Bermuda? I think you should and that we should all come down there and christen it!

She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Hey Andrea,

I am working on Skydive Bermuda at this very moment! As of next week I should a virtual dropzone, www.skydivebermuda.com (not worth making clicky yet!), with the intent of making a real dropzone in the very near future. I will post a thread about it shortly. We are supposed to have at least one, maybe two air-shows this summer and fall, which should open the doors for other things, like fun jumping! There is also talk of setting up an air-academy here, which is quite possible since there is not much traffic at our airport. And as we all know, skydivers need jump pilots, so this may be just the beginning.
See the attachment for an aerial view. For sure there will be a minimum license requirement due to the very close proximity of the ocean, but nothing that can't be overcome.

See ya,



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wow man, you better make this dz or i'll send you all of the birds that nest here in Slovenia to you so that you'll have to really work hard!!!!! :P

no man, really, that's the best looking place to have a dz i've ever seen!!!!!

Check out the site of the Fallen Angels FreeflY Organisation:

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Oh wow, that's beautiful, Dale! Isn't Bermuda an expensive island to visit though, compared to some of the other ones? Would poor skydivers be able to camp anywhere and have bathroom facilities?
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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