
Pocket slider size

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Hey there!

You might want to contact Robin Miller in the maintenance department at PD (robin@performancedesigns.com) to let her know what size your original slider was (assuming we are talking about the Sabre 150 listed in your profile).
The correct way to measure the slider is to fold it in half, pull taut, and then measure across the fold.
Don't measure along the edges (tape).

Robin can then send you a slightly larger slider to try with your canopy, in many cases we have had fantastic results on Sabres with that.

Other factors such as trim, size of pilot chute, packing etc come into play as well, but quite often we are able to tame the openings with a larger slider.
We don't charge for this, all we ask is that if it works you send the old slider back. If it doesn't work, we'd love to get the canopy to inspect and test.

Best of luck!
Kolla Kolbeinsdottir,
Performance Designs, Inc.
Blue Skies Magazine

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I built a pocket for one of my sliders early on in my skydiviing carreer. It made the openings last just a few hundred feet to many. The ghetto fix was to cut holes in the pocket. It happened to make it perfect so I just left it as is. When it was time for a re-line, I had the slider replaced as well and the openings were as good as you could ask for.

You should be able to reduce the size of the pocket pretty easily. Remove about a 1/4th or a 1/3 of the size from it and see how you like it. Optionally and probably a better Idea is do what Kolla mentioned. Sabres will open nicely with the correct size slider (and proper trim of course)
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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