
Prescription goggles.

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I remember a company that was selling prescription Google and had a few they recommended for skydiving. Does anyone know this company or any other I can get a pair from? Almost lost a contact today and would like to have a pair of script goggles stashed away just incase this ever happens.



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I too wear Sport Rx goggles (and i have a BIG script) Mine are still in great shape after about 150 jumps.
Best investment (other than a rig) I have made for skydiving;)
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
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I have a pair of WileyX XL-1 goggles that are prescription. The lenses on those goggles are removable, so I just had a pair of prescription lenses made to fit. The goggles were not that expensive, so if I tear them up I'll just buy another pair and swap the lenses over.

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