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Hello All,

Over a year ago, i started my student training for my A license, due to unforeseen incidents I had to stop with 11 jumps. I started back in June, and July 20th, I finally received my A license. It's great to have it, and i'm taking full advantage of jumping whenever i can. I have 36 jumps, have learned how to do some freeflying moves, and better belly position. Unfortunatly, my landings are awful. Although my accuracy and percision is right on, I only have one standup landing (which i'm trying to work on). Figured i'd just say hi, and welcome myself :)

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Hey, you only need one stand-up landing for your A-license :)
That's great that you have your license. I took forever to get mine too.

It feels like once you get your license and equipment you can finally start learning to really skydive!

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Hi Kim! :)
Glad to have you here in our midst!

HUGE congrats on your A license . . . enjoy the benefits!

Your landings will come eventually. Just make sure and use the good ole PLF when you need to. Maybe you can get some coaching by having a Coach or Instructor watch your landings and give you some pointers??

Let us know how it works out!
Arrive Safely


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