
New here, Licence from Germany

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Hey guys,

as you may've guessed - I'm new. ;)

I've made my first static-line-jump on the 6th of June after I've tried a tandem a year before. It was then that I've decided that this incredible feeling is reason enough for me to stick to skydiving. Well, this and my skidiving girlfriend. ;)

I'm jumping at a very small, but nice dropzone in Germany, near Hannover (it's called Meissendorf - or MeiDo for short). I have 37 jumps so far, 12 of them with static line. Last sunday I passed the licence test and am now eager to get out and explore the world of skydiving.


»Somewhere between the lies and truths borderlines get shady.
Somewhere between the yesses and nos you can find the maybe.«

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