
Hello from Indiana

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Who: Gary Stahl
What: Human
When: September 15, 2003
Where: At my computer
Why: Why not?

Here's my skydiving story in a nutshell after 124 jumps: I'm 37 and I've already had way more fun than most people have their whole lives. Ironically though, I'm just getting started.

I jump at Jerry's Skydiving Circus in Franklin, Indiana. I love it there and highly recommend the DZ to everyone. It's safe, fun and friendly. Even though it is a small drop zone, quite a few of it's regulars started jumping over 30 years ago.

In appreciation for your reading my post, I will award a cyber-twinky to the first person that correctly defines "Zoso."

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In February 1995, ZOSO, The Ultimate Led Zeppelin Experience was brought together in Los Angeles, California. Bound and determined to create the most mesmerizing and accurate portrayal of the original band, each individual member was selected to portray both the image and playing styles of Robert Plant, Jimmy Page, John Bonham, and John Paul Jones. Together the quartet pays homage with its powerful and unmistakable Zeppelin sound.

Did I win? Did I win? huh? huh? huh? I want a Little Debbie Swiss Snack Cake instead of a Twinky. Can I exchange?

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Thanks everybody!

ifics: Sorry, but that would lessen the integrity of the CyberTwinkie. I will not take part in lessening the integrity of the CyberTwinkie.

BlueEyedMonster: Close enough...You win! I chose Zoso as a reference to the symbol Jimmy Page created to represent himself on Led Zeppelin's untitled 4th album. I will send you a CyberTwinkie as soon as I can prepare one for a cyber-journey. Please treat it with respect. Sorry, no other prizes may be substituted.

Skymama: You bet! I feel very lucky to be able to do it.

Chrisky: Thanks!

Michaelflying: Who's on first?

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