
new to skydiving?

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Congrats on your 1st skydive and welcome to the sport that may consume your old idenity:P....the AFF program is the fastest way to become a "real" skydiver..however it is prob. one of the more expensive ways to do so.....some DZ's offer a IAD (instructor aided deployment) PFF program (progressive FreeFall)...which is usually quite a bit cheaper (Myself...33 jumps/including course..$1500 Canadian.) Mind you...the progression rate is much slower(I am sure there are AFF students who's FF skills far exceed my FF skills:$)....but the cost and time issues are not quite so overwhelming...I am not sure if this program is offered at many U.S. DZ's (seems to be mostly a Canadian thingy[:/]) but I figured it wouldnt hurt to provide a little info and a possible alternitive to the options you have at present...Keep at it and Blue Skies B|

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Welcome to the fourms! :) We'll be looking forward to hearing what you decide to do. I also was going to do 1 tandem and ended up loving it so much decided to become a skydiver, much to everyone's surprise!
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Hi Jennifer and welcome to skydiving! You are definitely hooked - you might as well plan on taking AFF or some other route to getting licensed. I'm in Minnesota and it cost me around $2000 to get through the course and get my license. And it's been worth every penny. Skydiving is definitely a life-changing sport, and the people you meet are incredible. Go for it girl and maybe someday in the future, we'll be flying together!!!

Big Fat Blue Ones!
Peace, Love, and Good Happiness Stuff

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Hey Julie,

Thanks for the welcome! I'm super glad I found you guys - I was seriously starting to think there was something wrong with me. I'm way too excited (still!) and revved up from Saturday.

It would be incredible to find people I 'know' to jump with - cause right now the DZ is intimidating me. Everyone knows each other and being an 'outsider' I feel out of place. I know it'll get better as time goes on, but its still tough at first.

Hope to meet some of you some day!

Arianna Frances

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How has your hubby been? Will he jump, too?

haha! I hope to get him to go some day, but he honestly looks like he's gonna cry if I go up, and gets honestly gets pissed off if I bring up him going. I hope some day he will but I won't hold my breath. My brother I could get to go - he was the one that got me to go in the first place.... but chickened out due to money issues (so he says) at the last minute.

Hubby will support me, both emotionally and financially so I guess thats all I can ask of him.

Glad I'm not alone!

Arianna Frances

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Hubby will support me, both emotionally and financially so I guess thats all I can ask of him.

Glad I'm not alone!


And that's already a HUGE and good thing. That's very good news ;)

My wife and I had a big disagreement about skydiving and I had to quit for 10 years before I could get back to it. I am glad your hubby is so supportive, way to go.

Hispas Brothers President

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he's 6'5" and weighs about 280. So he's lucky in that aspect, he couldn't go anyway. LOL!

Sounds like a good guy for the base...I have jumped with a guy who has about 260 jumps.. 6'5" and 325 so about 350 out the door exitweight. There are plenty of people on here who are heavier than that silly 225 pound weight restriction. If there is a will there is a DZ that will find a way for him.

I am 6'1" and well lets say I can get on the 2 ton 20 way Anvil loads. (do the math)

Get him out there.. he may not be able to do a tandem but there is always the static line class.

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