
And yet another newbie

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Hi ya all,

My name is Marsha, I have a confession. I AM IN LOVE. We (my daughter and I) did our second tandem jump this week-end. I had to do it again just to convince myself that it was really as captivated as I thought after the first jump. The second time was even better!!! Like other post that I have read from you all, I can't eat, can't sleep, can't stop day-dreaming about the next time. Yep, it must be love!

Since I am so new to it I really appreciate the patience that everyone at the DZ in Quincy have shown for the newbie(s). What a great team and we are looking forward to getting to know everyone better!

What started out as a 10 year birthday present promise to an 8 year old has turned into something we will both enjoy learning and growing in for a long, long time.

Can't wait to do it again, and again, and again!


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We're going to do another tandem (our third) in two weeks, then groundschool, and then the Instructor Assisted Freefall Jumps, and then on and on and on. We both want to learn and do everything that we can. We love the sport and the people involved in it. I don't know if it's just being "like-minded" or not, but everyone seems to be so outgoing and easy to be with.:D


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are you saying your 10 year old jumped with you? I am good with that but someone else was asking about just that a few days ago here.

by the way... very cool either way... congratulations and welcome to the sky...


have fun, love life, be nice to the humans

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I think she said it was a promise 10 years ago to her 8 year old daughter. I almost thought the same thing though. Correct me if I'm wrong:S.


Sometimes we're just being Humans.....But we're always Human Beings.

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NO, I'm sorry, I guess I didn't make myself very clear. My daughter is eighteen now. When she was eight we watched a free-fall skydiving formation on T.V. She loved it and want to do it. I told her that she was too young to do yet. She asked me when she could and I told her when she was eighteen. Of course, she asked if I would jump with her and I said that I would. (What was I thinking......I know that she never forgets anything?)

The subject came up from time to time over the past 10 years and when she asked I always reaffirmed that yes, we would jump out of a plane if that is what she wanted for her birthday.

She was given several very tempting options for her birthday present, and she still chose the skydive promise. It was her birthday present, but by giving her what she wanted, we both recieved more than we expected. It was so cool. For a week before our first jump (in our panic states) we were saying to each other "Can we do this?"and reassuring each other that we could. Then, immediately after the jump, we said "We did it, Let's do it again!!!"

What can I say some mothers and daughters bake cookies together(which is great fun too. My daughter and I get tatooed and skydive together.

It was intended as a "one time, got to do this" thing that has turned into a "I can do this better next time, got to have more" obsession for both of us.

The really strange thing is that neither one of us is prone to excessive indulgence in anything, but we can't get enough and can't learn fast enough! We're always talking about when we learn enough to do what we see some of you more experienced jumpers do with ease.

Oh my, :$ I've rambled on enough for now. Hope that makes it clearer.


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I hope that your learning process includes some of the many good books on the sport.

An informed jump student is a good one!

Absolutely! We are reading everything that we can get our hands on about skydiving!!! But I've got to tell you that nothing in the books or on the net can compare to the coaching that the instructors give.

You all are great! At our last jump, one of the instructors said "It's giving a little something back to the sport that has given you so much" I like that. but it's even more than that, it's sharing something you love with someone so that they can appreciate it too. It takes alot to teach well and I've noticed that you all realize that this is something that you cannot afford to teach poorly. The tandem instrutor that I have had for my first two jumps is awesome. He knows when to kid around and lighten the mood, and when to be serious and make me pay attention.
He's also real patience with my stupid mistakes.:$


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I think it is absolutely awesome that you and your daughter have such a close relationship! And to be skydiving...together!! I envy that and admire it.

My mom...hmm. She's so against me skydiving that I can't tell her when I go or when I get back or how amazing the dive was or how my landing got better (or worse). She calls me to lecture me whenever she reads some traumatic article or sees disastrous skydiving videos (thanks a lot, reader's digest and realtv). I injured myself during a landing recently and I can't even tell her that. Or that it's getting better. She won't be able to stop me from skydiving and I think that's the only reason she hasn't specifically tried to stop me, but the lack of interest and support has created a distance between us that wasn't there before.

So, all I'm trying to say is that I think it's great you respect and support your daughter's interests. And that you are open-minded enough to even participate with her is just too cool! :)
Cieux bleus!
Take me, I am the drug; take me, I am hallucinogenic.
-Salvador Dali

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I LOVE SKYDIVING!!!! BUT I have the BEST mama in the whole WORLD!! Going skydiving for my eighteenth birthday was the BEST thing in the world. I am now soooo hooked.. Well WE are sooo hooked me and my mama.... Her doing this with me really ment alot!! I wouldn't of ever done it if i didnt' have her by my side !! I wish everybody could have the same kind of realtionship with their mom that i have with my mom!! She's what holds my life together she's the VERY BEST !!!! I love you mama!!


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Thank you for the compliment!

You are so very correct. I do RESPECT and Support my daughters interest. I also realize that although we are very much alike in so many ways.............. I always try to remind myself that she is still her own person. Sometimes, I have to make myself stop and think "Am I feeling this for her or for me"?
After I figure out my motivation, then I know how to proceed with any controversial issue between us.

Moms' are strange creatures. We want to protect those that we love from anything that might possibly harm them and sometimes we over-react to what we think might harm them. We forget to trust that we have done a good job and raised our children well enough to make competent decissions for themselves.

Your mom is just afraid that something will happen to you and she feels helpless that there is nothing she can do about it. It is a shame to let something that is so wonderful, exciting, interesting and SAFE come between you all. This is something that you all could be sharing too, even if she never actually does it herself. We do talk about every little aspect of the jump (and everything else too). We would both still want to do it if the other didn't, and we would still share the experience no matter what.

Personally, I would rather have my precious daughter jump out of an airplane everyday than to drive on the highways. Now that is scary!!!!

Please don't give up on your mom. Try telling her that you love your life, that you appreciate all the things about yourself that she has given you, and that you understand that a big part of the reason you are who you are is because of the example she has set for you, and that you are happy with the results of growing up with her. You know the old "I'm okay ...(and I raised her so) she's okay syndrome";) We all need some affirmation that we've done a good job and some of us think that being "mom" is the biggest and most important thing that we have ever or will ever do.

Good Luck!

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LOL, Thank you, you know that the feeling is mutual. I love you with all my heart. You are my life. At the height of living, I will always want to share it with you.

Again, ................

Now, it’s time to take a deep breath. Realize how much potential you have and that there is no limit to what you can do and what life has to offer you. Jump into life with the laughter, confidence, sense of wonder and adventure, that you already possess…….and dance with the wind. Knowing that we are and will always be there with you, standing beside you, at your back, leading you on, or waiting for you to come back down to earth. We both love you are always there for you!


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