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I went to the Sebastian Boogie with a friend of mine and met some fellow Dropzoners, I found that all of you were very nice and enjoyed being there even though Sebastion would not let me jump with an A license because of the gusty winds. I will continue to post on Dropzone and look forward to sharing with everybody.

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What a shame the winds wouldn't cooperate. I hope you drank some beer as a tribute to the wind gods. But...having burned a leg pouch off my old Vector after being dragged some 100 yards over a gravel road some years ago...because I just had to jump on a windy day, I think the call was a good one. Just because you can jump doesn't always mean you should.

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Nope. It was a fatality of the Saturday party. And besides, that was beer for a few firsts...

First DZ.com event
First time at a new DZ
First USPA license

He definitely owes beer for his first post. And don't worry Brett, when you read this... we'll make sure you pay up! ;)

In a world full of people, only some want to fly... isn't that crazy! --Seal

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I think the call was a good one. Just because you can jump doesn't always mean you should.

As mad >:(as I would have been I have to agree. I jumped on a windier day than I should have at my home DZ and misjudged my 100 ft mark, well needless to say I landed behind the buildings right into the turbulence and got slammed on the ground pretty hard.:S Afterward I was kinda wishing I had just kept my feet on the ground for that one.

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Yes I wish that I had time to stick around also but I had other friend that live near that wanted to see me and go eat some dinner. I am sure that I will stick around next time and do some parting next time. And yes as you know that I did bring my case of beer with Brian for you all to party on that night. I also have to abide by there DZ rules for that DZ even though I have jumped in higher winds. Although I would have been using a rental rig or a rig that some of ya'll were graciously willing to loan me. For that I was definatly greatfull. I would reather be safe than sorry. I have heard that Lisa( I think that was her name that has posted on here but am unable to find them. Can anybody point me to were those will be. I am also going to post another Question and am looking forward to everybodys response

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I have heard that Lisa( I think that was her name that has posted on here but am unable to find them. Can anybody point me to were those will be.

I'll try to point you in the right direction, but I don't really know what you are talking about! By the way, Lisa is Skybytch.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Welcome to the 'zone, dude. Hope to see you around in the threads. B|
Kevin - Sonic Beef #5 - OrFun #28
"I never take myself too seriously, 'cuz everybody know fat birds don't fly." - FLC
Online communities: proof that people never mature much past high school.

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