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Just wanted to say hello everyone I've not made my first jump but will hopefully get to jump on the 11 th if the weathers nice. One quick question do you have to do a tandom before your first AFF jump?

"Don't Mess Around With the Guy in Shades- Oh No!!! "

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One quick question do you have to do a tandom before your first AFF jump?

It depends on the Dropzone policy, in most places.

Some DZ's will make you do a tandem first, some won't. Ask at your DZ (or call around and ask all the local DZ's, then pick the one who's policy you like).

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You don't have to do a tandem before AFF at many DZs, however, I would highly very very HIGHLY recommend doing a tandem first. It can only really help you with your AFF training.

Actually, if the DZ you go to offers it, I would highly recommend doing a tandem progression into AFF. You'll do better and learn faster, most likely you'll save a few hundred bucks as well.
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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I just started with AFF and never did a Tandem. . .I am doing just fine on my AFF progression, but that is not the case for everyone. . .that first moment out the door can be pretty scary the first time and is like NOTHING you have ever experienced. . .

Doing a tandem progression will save you about $100 or more at some dropzones. . .call around, visit local dropzones and sign up at the one that "feels" the best to you. . .they all have a different vibe so it is best to go where you feel the most comfortable when you are making your first jump. . .

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Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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I appreciate all the replys, seems like theres a 50/50 or sp split about doing a tandom first. As far as my DZ goes its already been chosen. Mainly because one of my good friends is an instructor there and my other good friend just got his AFF there. I guess i'll just talk to my guy and see what he thinks would be best for me. If were to decide to forgo the tandom how forgiving are the student canapys? it seems like most of the serious injuries and fatalities i've beem reading about happen during landing.

"Don't Mess Around With the Guy in Shades- Oh No!!! "

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I wanted to do a tandem first but when instructors looked at me they ran in fear, with a big NNOOOO. Just kidding, i ididnt have the opportunity to do a tandem because of my size and just barely got someone to put me thru AFF. It is hilarious when manifest calls on a TM to come meet me for my tandem though....every DZ seems like they have a TM they like to screw with. I would definately recommend a tandem for your first dive though..freefall is...well...SENSORY OVERLOAD. No other way to explain it, but you'll understand that soon enough.;)

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Hello and welcome! I am so excited for you, and look forward to hearing about your first jump. I have jumped twice, tandem, and plan to do my AFF next. As a beginner, I prefer to be totally comfortable with the freefall experience first. Even with two tandem jumps, there were so many different factors involved, that I realize that every experience is different. Weather, aircraft, type of exit, that has all made such a difference to me with my two jumps. Freefall is -as you have heard already- something else!!! You never really know what to expect. So for that reason, I too would recommend the tandem first, at least once. Enjoy it!! Lisa

"...Can't keep my eyes from the circling skiesTongue-tied and twisted just an earth-bound misfit..." -Pink Floyd

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Sup. Welcome.

edit - btw, you suck at both skydiving and drag racing. :P

HAH! heh your lucky I sold my car and moved to Florida or I would have had to make a little trip to Dallas and given you a drag racing lesson::P And I haven't made my first jump yet so theres a 50/50 chance of sucking.:)

Thanks for the warm welcome lisa and everyone else!!

"Don't Mess Around With the Guy in Shades- Oh No!!! "

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I hung out with my friend/soon to be instructor last night and we deicded it'd be best for me to do the tandem first so thats the route I'm going to take. Now I just have to wait until saturday this is going to tbe the longest week ever.

"Don't Mess Around With the Guy in Shades- Oh No!!! "

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Well I have officialy lost my mind, WOW sensory overload is a huge understatment. This is an totally insane sport and I now know how someone just falls in love with it. Allthough a lot of the free fall is blurry at best I can't wait to get back up. I haven't signed up for AFF yet but i know myself well enough to know I probably will by next weekend. Thanks to everyone out at Pahokee especially Dave VH.

"Don't Mess Around With the Guy in Shades- Oh No!!! "

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Welp spent alllllllllllllll day at Pahokee , but due to a late start and the instructor being busy I still have 2 hours or so left for AFF 1. So it looks like if all goes well I'll be doing my first AFF jump next saturday during the boogie. It was nice getting to meet some people and hang out, but this is going to be a long week.. si

"Don't Mess Around With the Guy in Shades- Oh No!!! "

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