
Getting rid of my fears...

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Hey there I am Cath,

I will say one of my biggest fears is heights. When I was 9 I freaked out when I went on a plane and when I was 11 I said I will never go on a glider.

Now, I have been in a glider more than once and studying to get my glider license and private pilots license through Air Cadets.

But to complete my "getting rid of my fear of heights" I want to skydive and break free from the plane.;)
Cath Carter

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My experience is that the cool thing about skydiving is that you will be having SO much fun and you will be concentrating on doing what you have to do to have a safe skydive-you will not have time to notice the fear. I am afraid of heights but everything else far overshadows any fear except the good fear which keeps you safe.

not sure if any of this is making sense....

but anyway, do a tandem, you'll probably love it;)

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I don't know if you'll ever get rid of the fear of heights, or should I say you'll still have a great respect for it. It helps you stay sharp and focused. You might try tandem to start out, it will help you enjoy the skydive. It will give you a chance to experience the skydive, with the safety of a expert skydiver. Good luck and have fun.

*****Why would anyone jump from a perfectly good airplane? Because it isn't much fun if it's broke.****

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I will say one of my biggest fears is heights. When I was 9 I freaked out when I went on a plane and when I was 11 I said I will never go on a glider.

But to complete my "getting rid of my fear of heights" I want to skydive and break free from the plane.;)

Hi Cath,

For what it's worth, I started skydiving to cure a fear of heights! Aversion therapy?!:S

Well it didnt exactly work - I am still 'uncomfortable' on ladders, high walls etc but with 200 jumps done I am completely hooked on skydiving!B| It is just that getting out, you are sooo high that it is not real, and by the time you are low enough for it to be real you are in a completely (!) controlled descent under canopy and feel really secure. Maybe thats just me?!:P

Do it! You know you want to!!;);)


Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.

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Quote:...But to complete my "getting rid of my fear of heights" I want to skydive .......


Sorry, I don't think skydiving will cure this phobia.
I started jumping and flying 40 years ago and......I am still TERRIFIED of heights.
I can sit in the pilots seat of a helicopter with no doors at 10,000 feet and look straight down...no problem.
I have hung underneath a helicopter sitting on a rope ladder and fly around the traffic pattern ...no problem.
Any air sport, sailplanes, balloons, parachutes etc...no problem.
BUT just try to get me on the roof of my house to clean the gutters, look over the roof of a tall building, get near the edge of a cliff....TERRIFIED.[:/] I Will NEVER even think of a glass elevator!!!:D I don't feel it's a fear of heights but a fear of falling. A control thing. When you go up to jump your intention is to jump, not fall out of the plane. You are in control.

Now go jump and you'll see that your not afraid of heights but afraid of not being in control;)

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Sounds like skydiving will help you with the airplane fright thing, but the few folks we have taken through our school that have come for the purpose of a fear of heights, leave with a fear of heights. But like others have typed, they are still much better people and love skydiving.
So I hope you get hooked into the sport no matter what happens with the height issue!
Good luck and keep us posted.

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Welcome! I don't think skydiving helps with the fear of heights. Your so high up, ya know? I do a little roofing every year with a friend, and it scares the hell out of me. I don't let it stop me though, the money's too good;)

billy d------------------------- "Escape may be checked by water and land, but the air and the sky are free." (from the story of Daedalus and Icarus)

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I don't think sky diving will help with your fear of heights. I have no problem standing on the tailgate of the casa and looking down, but when I stand on the roof of my one story house it freaks me out. It's a different thing but you probably enjoy jumping.

Big Ed

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Not exactly helpful, are they.

These people arent scared of heights.
They're scared of rooftops.;)

Hey. Regardless of how these people handled it, you're a different person. Skydiving might very well help you to complete your quest to not be scared of heights. Why not.

After that, your next test:
Adjusting the satalite dish.

If you can do THAT, you can do anything!

Have fun, and welcome to the forums!
“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophies.”

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Yes, I agree that you will not lose your fear of heights, but so what? You will love it, even if you start out frightened, you will get in and focus on what you must do--including having fun! It is definitely addicting, and very, very rewarding. I took my first jump 18 months ago at the age of 51. I am licensed now, but the most vivid experience in my life was my first skydive.

Changed my life!
"Here's a good specimen of my own wisdom. Something is so, except when it isn't so."

Charles Fort, commenting on the many contradictions of astronomy

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Welcome to the forums.

Not everyone gets over their fear of heights. I am afraid of heights. But, instead of freaking me out I had to train myself to use it to pump up my adrenaline. I am afraid of heights still but I can not get enough of it:S
Bottomless Beers and Blue Skies!

* Brother_Brian *
D.S.W.F.S.B. #2

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Welcome to the forum! One thing you can do during the next year is to hang out to the nearest DZ during the summer and learn to pact parachutes and know people.
The other thing I want to say is, even if I am not scared of hight I am always realy nervous when I am in the plane until the door open after that everything is fine.

Sorry for my english writing.


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If you are from Alberta, Canada you can jump at Didsbury's Shut Up and Jump when you are under 18 as long as you have parental consent. It's a Canadian Skydive Center and the staff is great.
They don't start jumping until April, but you can call them now. The phone number is 1-800-567-JUMP
or (403) 274-9503.
You may have also heard of the Biesiker DZ. I wouldn't recommend this place as they do not have radio communication during descent, and there have been several accidents (fences, trees).
The DZ at Didsbury has an impecible record and the parties after are awesome!!

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" What are we doing here? Overcoming the fear of death, of course.
Why are we in the air? We are practicing, you might say, what it is to be alive" - Richard Bach
Cath, try reading this:
As we in Africa know - "If you're going to be dumb - you'd better be tough."
- Tonto

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