
Uh oh!! I think I like it!!

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Well folks, I'm getting ready for my solo training!! I'm so excited that I can't focus on my work! I did my second tandem and it was even better than my first!!
So much more relaxing in the fall, and the canopy ride was cool.

I loooove it!! The folks at my DZ are wonderful. I can't wait to go back....can't wait...can't wait!!

Skydivin' folks are the best!!

I think I'm obsessed.....


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Before I did my first tandem - I thought I was crazy!! After my first tandem I've had my eyes on the skies just dreamin' about my next jump.

Now, that I've done that 2nd one....uh oh!! I'm in!!

I found myself at home practicing my arch and just obsessing about my next flight! It is the coolest thing I've ever done in my life.

BTW I was scared of heights and "prop" (Buddy Holly) planes....[:D - I think I'm cured!!

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I know EXACTLY how you feel. I started jumping less than a year ago and LORD, Its addictive. Now a year later I'm broke and still scrounging for enough nickels dimes and pennies (used all my quarters) for "ONE MORE JUMP".

Happy jumping.
The Best Band in the WORLD!!!
The new full length album "See What You Can Find"

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B| Thanks everyone....don't get me wrong...it's still pretty freaky lookin' out the door of the plane. But, I'm fine with the exit...it's my favorite part.

..I'm really nervous about my next jump...Not like "oh, I'm gonna die!"...I'm just nervous. I still have a "moment" of pure AAAAAAAAGH when I first come off the hill... I'm like "crap, what I'm I thinking?" but, that only last for a second. Then its all fun after that.

Now I'm gonna be by myself:o What an adjustment.

Hope everyone else was as excited and nervous as I am, right now, for their first solo.


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Good luck with your AFF. I am starting mine next weekend (I'm counting down the days!). Going out to the dz tomorrow to watch some friends do stage 2.
I know what you mean about being hooked, I only ever intended on doing 1 tandem, but now i've sold 57 cds and put every spare cent into saving up for AFF. Its only taken me 6 weeks, and I'm getting there slowly!
www.TerminalSports.com.auAustralia's largest skydive gear store

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Just watch out... before you know it, you'll be spent and the DZO will have you packing tandems for 12 hrs a day, while people that are concerned that you look like you're going to pass out while you're packing their parachute are hand feeding you sammiches while you are ramming their canopy into the D-bag. Finally you will have enough money saved up in your account to do 100 jumps, but unfortunatelly there are 6 tandem canopies laying on the packing floor and everyone is running to the plane while you are being yelled at by the DZO to get his gear out of the sun. Then at the end of the day, after the last load everyone will want a pack job.. so they will sit around and use you as a beer cap flicking target, while you are being eaten alive by mosquitos (can't use bug repellant because it will wreck the canopies) while you are trying to purge the canopies while somehow trying not to lose your concentration by staring at the ice cold beers (sweet nectar of life) that everyone else is drinking, not to mention watching that full beer that someone offered you and you set down by the last rig get opened and drank by the first person who is too lazy to go to the fridge and get another. Meanwhile everyone else has gone and started their bbq's and then the smell of steak wafts into the hangar (only 2 more tandems to pack) which you can't afford by the way, because you just bought a $300 helmet the day before. Oops theres another beer cap in the ear. Finally you build up the courage to ask the DZO if you can pack the last two tandems in the morning if you promise to get up early.. he will frown, you will pack one more, and then put the last one into the rigging loft when he's not looking. Then go have the time of your life for 3 hrs. because you have to get up early and pack that tandem canopy, and then pack your own (left out from the first load the day before). Finally, you get to be the first one to manifest for the first load of the day.. go wake up a grumpy ass pilot and a few other skydivers.. wait for an hour with your gear on.... and GO SKYDIVE FOR FREE AND ABSOLUTELY LOVE EVERY 60 SECONDS OF IT!

In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. ~ Thomas Jefferson

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Now that sounds familiar.......wait!!! That's the story of my life!

sum1mom.. welcome to skydiving!

Don't worry if you have enough money us packer boys will be packing for you. If not....welcome to the packing club. Once a Packer always a packer.
I can never get rid of it. After my pay check every month with enough money to not have to pack I still have to do it!

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, will be true!

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It is... I LOVE IT! B|

Because the pilot is half asleep at 7:30am he doesn't notice when you do fun stuff with his airplane, like hang off the wing by your feet! ;)

In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. ~ Thomas Jefferson

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Thanks for your support!! I did my first solo and blew my exit :$ - came out tumbling - then arched...went right back up on the next load and did better. I can't wait to get back up there and really begin processing and applying more skills. It's a wonderful sport!

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congrads on you solo. we all werent stable on our first solo... ok so I was, but thats beside the point:D:D:D look me up sometime at spaceland.. Im the guy with the flourescent green and red mohawk on my helmet..
perhaps when you get to coach jumps I can take you up?... and when you get your licence and a few belly jumps Ill try my best to transfer you over to the dark side (freeflying):D
this space for rent.

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I am sure you will do fine. and dont rush anything.. there is no need to jump the gun in this sport, take it slow, easy, and cautiously and you will succeed...

wether its belly, freeflying, or anything..spaceland has the crew to learn from.. welcome to the sport and spaceland.

and dz.com:P
this space for rent.

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