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Just thought I'd say a quick hiya, I've been lurking on the dropzone forums a little while but haven't posted till today.

I'm relatively new to the sport, did my first jump on the 31st May last year, did RAPS progression and got my A licence early this year (jump 27). I jump at Strathallan, the only remaining club in the UK (as opposed to a commercial DZ) and I love it.

My nickname comes from the fact that during our course we were told that the DZ was a club, with no paid staff, and so the club members were responsible for looking after the place. I camped there that night and the next morning woke early with the sun. Got up, saw the hangar floor was a bit messy so I went and found a broom and started sweeping up.

I'm fairly close to my B licence, just three declared landings a spot from 10K and four jumps left. Also going for my radio licence so I can start helping with DZ control sometimes when I get it, already take turns as one of the manifestors.

Started my WARP a couple of weeks ago which I'm really enjoying, very cool to be in the air with someone else! Still buzzing from a jump yesterday when I went up and did a hop&pop before a friend who was doing his first freefall - blew him a raspberry as I went out the door and then sat under canopy and watched his exit. That made me smile!

So, that's a bit about me, look forward to talking to you all on here or at a DZ somewhere in the future!

Blue Skies,

Yay! I'm now a 200 jump wonder.... Still a know-it-all tho..

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Good luck with the B - those declared landings can be a bugger...:P;)

If you come south you should try jumping at Netheravon - being entirely funded by the military it is not a commercial DZ in the sense that you are talking about and has something of the club atmosphere too. Not to mention one of the best views...!B|

Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.

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