
1st jump 5 days ago -- can't stop thinking about it!

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Hey there everyone,
I have always wanted to skydive, and for my 30th birthday, my husband surprised me with a trip to the DZ last Sunday. He has absolutely no interest in skydiving, but he came to watch. Well ever since I landed, I cannot get skydiving off my mind. The minute I got home I started combing the internet looking for information. I wanted to know more about the sport -- the training, the licensing, etc. I was also curious as to what kind of people skydivers are. (Now I know -- happy, friendly, and lovin' life. :)I still think I won't ever actually become a skydiver, though. The thought of flying that parachute all by myself is thrilling, but also terrifying. I mean, I think I could do it, but if something went wrong, or I got blown way off course or something, I don't know how I would handle that. I guess cause I have never been in control of my thrills, I'm always just along for the ride. But I think I would really love doing it myself if I didn't get myself killed in the process. It just seems like theres so much you have to know -- altitude, body position, heading, landing spot, -- and all the while try not to crash into any other divers! You guys make it look so easy. But I know it's really hard. And I'm not really an athletic person. I'm relatively fit, I work out pretty regularly, but I've never been into sports at all. But I think the biggest thing is the time and money. I'd have to jump every week or every other week to learn and stay current. But I live 2 hours from the DZ and don't have a car and have a million other things going on. I am also starting grad school in the fall. And I would really have to tighten our belt to afford all those jumps. Not to mention I work a regular job full-time so it'd have to be strictly a weekend thing. So I guess what I'm saying is I hope I can be one of these people I have read about who were in a similiar situation and eventually came back and became a skydiver. It's never too late, right! Maybe a few years from now I'll have more time and money. But now I don't know if I should even do any more tandem jumps. I mean, it might just make me more crazy to learn. (probably) Maybe if I don't go back then this stuff will finally leave my mind and I can get back to my pre-skydiving life. (But maybe not)
Anyway, thanks for letting me vent. This is a great forum. Nobody around me will listen to me talk about skydiving. And since nobody I know has done it, they can't relate at all.

Jeth B|

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Methinks yer hooked. :)
I don't have money for this sport either, no one does. As soon as a skydiver gets money, he/she puts it directly into skydiving.

Don't worry, you'll fly again. B|
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. --Douglas Adams

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hi, beth
so you are the next who´s hooked!
as I feel the same way and have the same problem, I can understand what you wrote about.
I´m also addicted since I had my first tandem zwo years ago; but there are two boys at home wanting their mum spend her time with them, and, besides, a full-time job during the week; so absolutely lack of money and time.
I try to handle it like this: twice a year a tandem, meanwhile reading books about skydiving (so sometimes I´m glad I need not know all the stuff because I only have to trust my TM) and spending time on reading here in the dropzone.com, always finding s.o. who shares my problem (of not skydiving yet).
and I just hope that somewhen when my children won´t need me any longer, when they don´t want to go on holidays with their mother, I´ll catch it all up and begin an AFF.
so hold on and just you wait! and I wonder who of us will be the first...
greetings from Austria

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Cool to hear the excitement-------If its your will, then you'll find a way. It might seem alot when you consider all the costs but take it one step at a time starting with the 2nd tandem that's already paid for.
You are already acting like a skydiver(pre-paying for jumps) it does'nt hurt so bad that way.
Good luck to you and keep us posted!:)


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This is an expensive sport but worth every penny. If you really loved your first tandem you will find the money so you can go again. Just sit down and figure out all the things you buy that you don't really need and within a few weeks you will realize you can fit this in your budget.

TPM Sister#130ONTIG#1
I love vodka.I love vodka cause it rhymes with Tuaca~LisaH
You having a clean thought is like billyvance having a clean post.iluvtofly

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Hello Beth,

Welcome to this great sport. Reading your storey it brought me back to my first skydive and the feeling around it. It sounds to me like you will be getting a divorce and become a fulltime skydiver in the next year or so, it happens so get ready. I am only joking.

You can always find a way to start skydiving and getting through the AFP course. I know a lot of people in your same position, some it took a few years to get the first 20 jumps under their belt.

Where are you at in Illinois? Check out Skydive Chicago in Ottawa. They are by far the nicest skydiving facility in the Midwest, let alone the country, Can you tell I love Skydive Chicago.

Once again welcome to the greatest sport on the planet. He is a link to the SDC website.

Best of Luck,



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Yep I'm hooked too, live breath and sleep skydiving. I'm doing an AFF in October saving about a 1/3 of my wages---isn't costing that much about £1500 don't know what that is in $). When you think about it it's no more expensive then say, horse riding and you don't have to feed a parachute!! Just go for it in this eira of "buy now pay later" just wack it on the plastic!
**Moggie Gifts**

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Welcome! I hope you decide to continue to a solo program. You won't regret it. I thought one was enough for a while, but I was wrong. Once you start jumping solo everything changes. Now I just try to find balance between jumping and my other hobbies:)

billy d------------------------- "Escape may be checked by water and land, but the air and the sky are free." (from the story of Daedalus and Icarus)

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Hey Tim,
I did my tandem at Skydive Chicago! I'm glad you say it's the best. I didn't do any checking beforehand. (It was a gift) But I was checking afterwards when I was checking into doing the AFP. It does seem to be a pretty comprehensive program compared to others. My only hesitation -- they didn't make me wear a helmet on my 1st jump. They didn't even offer it as an option. I asked about it when we were suiting up and they said "na, you don't need one.". I realize the TM is more important to protect (he was wearing one), but I still think they should've had me wear a helmet. If I do the AFP, I will definitely be wearing one for every jump.

It was good to hear some people take awhile to complete AFP. Part of me would love to do it right away, but I have a feeling that won't happen. I can't live at the DZ all weekend like some people! I am thinking about taking a week off next summer and trying to do it all in those 9 days. Of course, my husband will kill me if I use our vacation time for that! I don't know. When will I have the time to go to the DZ every weekend? But I hope I can do it before I forget how awesome it is.

Thanks for the warm welcome,
Jeth B|


Where are you at in Illinois? Check out Skydive Chicago in Ottawa. They are by far the nicest skydiving facility in the Midwest, let alone the country, Can you tell I love Skydive Chicago.

"At 13,000 feet nothing else matters."
Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109
My Jump Site

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Ya, thats what I have been thinking about. Do skydivers have time for anything else? I love to travel, hang out with my dogs, have BBQ's, and be with my husband. Will I still have time for all that if I take up skydiving?
Do you jump every single weekend? I think I would need and want to in order to get better and stay current. Especially since here in Chicago we only have nice weather for a few months. But I wouldn't want to start neglecting my husband and friends all summer. Ah, I'm so confused! I really want to do it, but don't want to get consumed by it. (I think I already am!)

Jeth B|


Once you start jumping solo everything changes. Now I just try to find balance between jumping and my other hobbies

"At 13,000 feet nothing else matters."
Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109
My Jump Site

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It does seem to be a pretty comprehensive program compared to others.

And the instructors are unparalleled. Really great people who know their stuff backwards and forwards and upside down and inside out.


If I do the AFP, I will definitely be wearing one for every jump.

Yes you will. It's required. I'd like to see the look on your instructor's face if you walked out to the loading area without one. :o
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so. --Douglas Adams

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