
FINALLY doing 2nd AFF!!

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3 weeks ago, I did my first AFF jump and was big time hooked. Did a tandem a year ago, and loved it, but AFF is infinitely more fun. Husband has been jumping for 1.5 y, and now that he has his A and is done spending all his money on training, it's my turn. I love it! But the weather has been virtually non stop raining/cloudy/windy. Until tonight. I work 20 mins from the DZ, weather perfect, and my horseback riding lesson was cancelled anyway, so finally doing my jump!


Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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Welcome to the "Intros" forum! ;) I know you've been hanging around here for awhile, thanks for stopping by and telling us a little about yourself. Is your husband giving you pointers, or are you just going to listen to your instructor?
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Congrats! Good luck with that 2nd jump! :)
Thats great that your hubby jumps, too. No need to convince him you need jump money! :)
Let us know how that 2nd one goes. Hopefully even better than the 1st one!
"At 13,000 feet nothing else matters."
Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109
My Jump Site

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I've been reading on here for over a year. Just waiting for the guts and the money to do it myself ;) Chad knows better than to try to give me any pointers. Primarily because it's not safe to do that. I work in health care, I know how instructions can get into a person's head and change completely from what the doc/instructor said, so I'd rather get help straight from the horses' mouths. He doesn't volunteer pointers, I don't ask for them.

He's also an angel for never pushing me into doing this. Wasn't until after my first AFF he told me he really really really wanted me to get into skydiving!

Not much to say about myself, spent most of my life working my ass off to put myself through college, then grad school, then working a million jobs to keep the student loan people at bay, didn't really start enjoying life until the last couple years. I have Peter Pan syndrome big time, have more pets than any one person probably should, and I'm a redneck tomboy. Guess that sums it up.


Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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