
Introduction - finally

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Well, reading el_chesters post reminded me, that I didn't ever post my own introduction. Better late than never:
I started in 1991 in the military with static line and stayed at that side of the game till 2002. (Thats why my profile says 2 years in sport). I then got the chance to get my freefall course and became hooked.
Until now I have spend a total of about 3 hours in windtunnels in Zurich, Switzerland (don't go there, if you don't have to), Paris, France (one of the if not the best one in Europe. You can fly 8ways in there), and Orlando, Florida.
Jump number in my profile is updated weekly and my favorite discipline is RW (4way to TSR-size). Some excursions to the dark side (Freefly) are done and further are planned because I think you should be able to fly your body in all positions.
At the moment I jump most of the times at Skydive Houston, but unfortunately by the end of the year, I have to move back to the country of small planes and high ticket prices.
Blue skies,
vSCR No.94
Don't dream your life - live your dream!

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Welcome to the forums! :)
Some excursions to the dark side (Freefly) are done and further are planned because I think you should be able to fly your body in all positions.

Ah ha! See, the dark side isn't so bad after all. ;)
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Ah ha! See, the dark side isn't so bad after all. ;)

No, not at all. Furthermore, the dark side is always the one opposite to my planned skydive. So I'm always on the right (light) side.B|
vSCR No.94
Don't dream your life - live your dream!

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Excuse my ignorance but why is freeflying referred to as the 'dark side'? And welcome to the forums. I'm still very green at this sport, but when I finish my AFF and get more jumps under my belt I plan on pursuing Freeflying.
Blue Skies from OZ B|

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It ist just a joke between belly-flyers and freeflyers.
Remember StarWars - the dark side of the force? Probably this is where the term comes from.
And of course you should try everything.
blue skies
vSCR No.94
Don't dream your life - live your dream!

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