
New harness - problems with options

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I'm few days before ordering harness and still have questions about options.
I plan to buy Wings but can anyone please help me with options like articulated (standard or deluxe),cut in laterals,quilted backpad,all that colour and other options, what of all that is worth the money?
I'm not looking for fashion harness, I will pay for anything what is usefull in jumping.
I don't have any experience in jumping with all that options so if somebody have please help.

Thanks in advance

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You're asking for a lot of help - and much of what you ask for is opinion.

I recently bought a new harness, and I went for minimal options.

I went standard hardwear. Reasoning?

A. I stay 400 miles from the sea, 5000ft ASL. I've never seen rust.
B. Stainless hardwear slips.

I never went for articulation. Reasoning?

A. Comfort? I've never been uncomfortable or restricted by my gear, so I honestly feel I don't need it.

Padded back. Was standard on my rig, and it is nice.

Handles - speak to your instructors on this subject. Your life depends on your choices. What's good for my freefly rig is not for my wingsuit rig.

Cut in laterals. Comfort issue under canopy, but can be a snag point. Very much your call.

Colours - What you want, and one day, when you sell, what someone else will buy.

Remember, a "Standard" container is 100% ready to jump, but some options will increase (or decrease) resale value. Few options add safety, and those that do are disipline dependant, like freefly handles or the dynamic corner mod for wing suits.

Hope this helps a little.

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I got a Wings some weeks ago. I got stainless steel (standard), articulated harness, collapsible PC, cut-in laterals and RSL.

Out of those, stainless steel is rather a cosmetic issue, collapsible PC is recommended for canopy performance. Articulated harness adds a bit to comfort and it also increases resale value, but it is not required. Same for Cut-in laterals, but I think they are for free these days from SRI (Wings manufacturer).

RSL is definately recommended, especially if you have no cutaway experience.

For color, what Tonto said.

PM me if you want to know about other options, but people at SRI and dealers are also very willing to help.


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Harness rings - After jumping standard (non-articulated) harnesses for my first 700-ish jumps I got a rig with hip rings. I will never order another container without them; they make the harness much more comfortable on the ground, in the airplane, in freefall and under canopy.

I haven't jumped a rig with chest rings so I can't comment on how comfortable they are. I have been told by a former RWS employee that they "mess up the harness geometry" - I don't know if that's a fact or not though.

Kill line collapsible main pilot chute - If you will be loading your main canopy above about 1.0 a collapsible main pilot chute is a good idea. A standard (non-collapsible) pilot chute can affect how a canopy flies (think towing an inflated "sky anchor" behind your main). Downside to the kill line p/c is that you must "cock" it when packing; if you forget you can end up with a pilot chute in tow. This adds one step to your packing routine.

Deluxe (padded/quilted) backpad - This should add comfort (I've never jumped/owned a rig with it). I've never heard anyone complain about having it. IIRC on the Wings it is not a high cost option.

Stainless steel hardware - It's shiny and looks good. Standard hardware works fine. Some people have had issues with leg strap slippage with stainless hardware.

Cut in laterals - As was stated above these could create a snag issue. I've never jumped a rig that has them; some people I've talked with say they make the rig more comfortable and keep it from moving around on their back.

Hacky or "freefly pud" handle on main p/c - The standard handle is that plastic thing - I've caught my fingers in those in the past (minor thing, just hurt a bit). I like my hacky. The freefly pud will keep your handle in place; some jumpers prefer it because they feel it is more secure and easier to find when pulling.

Of all the options available the ones I recommend to everyone I sell a container to are harness rings and the kill line collapsible p/c.

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Cut in laterals - As was stated above these could create a snag issue. I've never jumped a rig that has them; some people I've talked with say they make the rig more comfortable and keep it from moving around on their back.

I'll add this: if you are on the bigger side, as a blanket statement I would say cut in lats are actually less confortable. I know the rigs I tried were not made for me, but I found they cut in my side and werent too confy. YMMV of course.

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I'm interested as to why you say cut-in laterals are a snag issue. Could you elaborate, please?

With cut in laterals there is a gap between the outside edge of the rig and the lateral. A line "could" catch between the rig and your body. With "standard" laterals there is no gap.

Not sure if that makes sense... kinda hard to explain without pictures.

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kinda hard to explain without pictures.

Here are the cut-in laterials on the wings. Rig also has articulation.

Not sure if the pic is exactly what SB wanted but I think of the Cut In Laterials as making the rig fit around the waist like a "belt". (It is extremely comfortable. IMHO at least...

Scott C.
"He who Hesitates Shall Inherit the Earth!"

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I like Stainless. The Friction adapters on the wings don't slip. If you can afford it and you like it, I see no reason not to have it.

Lower articulation is rather nice. My opinion is just get it. I believe Chest rings aren't an option on the wings.

I like the cut in laterals. It's currently a free option any way. The chance of it being a snag issue is rather slim unless you have a habit of pulling on your back. As far as I know cut in laterals have not been an issue.

One thing I would highly suggest is parapac for the back pad and the inside of the legpads. I gotta say, the deluxe back pad is rather nice.

In my highly opinionated view on Pilot chute handles, get the Freestyle handle. It's the best and most secure design as far as throw out's are concerned. I also prefer the cordura over the spandex model.

Make it a Kill-line collapsible pilot chute.

Here's a break down of my personal suggestions.

Articulated <- which I believe is lowers only
Stainless <- if you like and can afford
Deluxe back pad with Parapac (parapack also inside leg pads.
Kill line collapsible Pilot chute
Freestyle handle
Cordura pouch
Cut in Laterals
Chest strap, Type 8

How tall are you? That will be a consideration in determining what riser length.

Mini risers are great, but Type 8 is stronger, there's a few threads about type 17 and type 8 risers going on right now.

I think that's it.

Good luck!
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I've never tried a harness with cut-in laterals, but I do some CReW and I don't really like the look of it, in terms of snaggability :S..... It does look comfy tho. However, if you want to sell the rig later on, does this option narrow the 'range' of persons'll fit?

ciel bleu,

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Well, i have the Wings with rings, laterals and backpad.
It is the most comfortable rig i have ever had.

The articulated option on Wings does not (and needs not) have chest rings. The issue with chest rings is, as i learned from this forum and was told by other riggers as well, that the yoke has to be designed narrower to prevent the rig from slipping wide on the shoulders. This could be deadly in a headdown situation. Plus you don't move your shoulders off extremely from your chest as you do with your thighs and the waist.
Get the atriculated.

The cut-in laterals make the rig fit you much more seamless and comfortable. I don't think it is a snag issue unless you are doing CReW, but even then with the main out the corners are bending away easily. You will have to watch out for the lower corners of your Reserve container when placing the risers in the container, so that the lines don't get under there (unlikely)
I got it and i love it.

Quilted Backpad doesn't cost much and adds comfort.

If you're on a budget, get these things after each other:
1. Articulated harness
2. Cut-in laterals
3. Backpad

For my colors check out the "Got Wings?"-thread.;)(search)

My 2 cents
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I just bought a Wings with all the options (except stainless), and it's the most comfortable rig i've ever tried on! :)
Cut in laterals -- love 'em
Articulated -- helps MY rig to fit like a glove
Freefly handle -- I strongly recommend even if you're belly flying

Hope this helps!

edited to add: Wings (SRI's) customer service rocks!

Blue ones
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