
I'm New, and I'm Hooked!

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Hello everyone!
I'm an AFF Student at Skydive Orange in Orange, VA.
I'm still a bit unstable, haven't been released yet.
Had to take some time off between jumps, that may be part of my problem. :$ But I've done some tunnel time, and I may get to do a bit more, soon. It's still a bit cold for jumping here in VA. But I'm hoping to get up there again ASAP. :)I had a bad arch...butt up in the air, etc. Hopefully some of the other newbie posts I've read will help me to get my act together. I REALLY sympathize![:/]
Well, here's hoping I do better on the next one. RELEASE ME!!!!! hee hee heeB|

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Not sure about where you jump from, but my dz issues a student sticker which has your student number on it and that gets registered to the govening body (thats what ive been told). Mine is APF but im in australia so i dont know about your dz!

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Tiger I am new also. I am doing a modified program called TAFF. It's alittle different, but the program is working for me.

I have had my 2 harness hold AFF jumps. My issue wasn't so much an arch as being a giant potatoe chip and some spin issues. Do your instructors video you jumps? mine does and it is an invaluable tool!! Nothing quite explains in words what a video tape can.

As my friend JC explained arch to me as "Point you privates at the danger and relax"


Fire Safety Tip: Don't fry bacon while naked

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...I'm still a bit unstable, haven't been released yet...

Yeah, I was a bit unstable too but they released me on good behavior and I'm back out in the "normal" world of skydiving...skydiving IS normal, isn't it??????:S


Welcome, tigerclaw....you're going to just LOVE your new life.:)
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Hey Tiger! I am a NewB too and had some problems like you are. Stability is a major part of Level 3 ( I am assuming that is the level you are on) Remember that a good arch consists of 3 parts; Big arms, hips down, and positive legs. I had problems with keeping that air pressure on my legs. I would practice in the living room on the floor with my toes on the couch. I hope this helps! Good Luck! B|


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Hey! I'm new too, and having the exact same problems. I thought I was doing fine until my instructor told me my butt was in the air. My arch is fine on the ground, but all that air pressure makes the real thing completely different. I think I concentrate too much on remembering what step to do next " find header, check the altimeter, practice throw, check the altimeter, practice throw, check the altimeter, right turn, foward motion, get stable, etc..) that finding form was just impossible. We just need to keep practicing I'm told! :P

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hello =)
i have the same issue... i concentrate too much on the list of things i have to do on each dive and totally blow the jump.
have you thought about taking a road trip.. i hear your state has a wind tunnel ;) they are soooo helpful and a lot of fun:)
i'm not sure why your butt is in the air either. the tunnel will make you feel more comfortable in freefall to say the least...
good luck!!! heidi
i didn't lose my mind, i sold it on ebay. .:need a container to fit 5'4", 110 lb. cypres ready & able to fit a 170 main (or slightly smaller):.[/ce

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these forums are for discussions, alot of folks are
reluctent to offer "advice". When I respond to a post
it's not advice but my personal experience. On that
note... I would look up at the plane when I felt that
feeling of potato chipping and go limp. Hey it worked for me. I used to get a kick out of people
saying "relax". when I was on AFF. My body is screaming to survive, then the mind kicks in and
says "yup this works". You will do a jump one day and "bingo" your confidence level will go way up.
Just don't respect for this sport and you will be fine.

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I defintely want to get into the road trips. The wind tunnel is in Orlando, which is about 4 hours from here. I think it would be extremely helpful. I guess I dont know what it feels like to properly arch in freefall, so I dont know when I'm doing it wrong. I pretty much remembered all my steps but did them all in the wrong form lol. Maybe I could play the potato chip butt in the air dive as a new form of free flying?

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Relax? Ha!!! The difference between my first jump and second one was drastic. The first one, I couldnt stop smiling and laughing. This one, I looked like a sick puppy. I wasnt even afraid of the normal things...I was just afraid that I would forget something and fail. Like I would let my coach down! Looking up at the plane sounds awesome except I'm so disoriented, i wouldnt find the plane till it was too late! :o

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Relax? Ha!!! The difference between my first jump and second one was drastic. The first one, I couldnt stop smiling and laughing. This one, I looked like a sick puppy. I wasnt even afraid of the normal things...I was just afraid that I would forget something and fail. Like I would let my coach down! Looking up at the plane sounds awesome except I'm so disoriented, i wouldnt find the plane till it was too late! :o

One thing that no one told me untill it happend for the 2nd time.... is that most people fail at some point(s) VERY few people make it through AFF without repeating a level or two. I think I read on here about a person who passed AFF after THIRTY EIGHT jumps!!!


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At this rate,... I'll be happy if I get mine in 40!:P
But I will get it, eventually :)
By the way, anyone read the article in this month's skydiving magazine by John Hoover? It's about the Exaggerated Mantis. How we work in the wind tunnel isn't quite the same if we're not wearing a "Rig"
I thought he hit the nail on the head, sorta/kinda.
I looked at myself on my tunnel video and thought "Wow, the next jump will be SOOOO much easier...B| silly newb. what was i thinkin':o

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I dont think any of the prep methods can truly simulate the real thing. The nerves, the wind, the gravity, the rig. Your form in a tunnel or on the ground just cant compare to that. Of course, this is just a newbie talking to a newbie. I might be completely wrong:P

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The guys on my DZ say most students get some "block" at first... once they're over it progression goes smoothly... I also had problems with my arch on first few jumps but the last few have been perfect :)
Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun.

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