
New and lovin it!!

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Hello all,

I just started my AFF course at the beginning of January 05. I had done four tandems in the year previous and couldn't wait to start learning on my own!! I never realized how much there is to learn...and I am sure I haven't even begun to scratch the surface.

Every time I jump, I fall in love with it even more. What a great way to spend the day..can't wait until summer is here! :P


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Hope to meet you all too. I am usually hanging out in Palakta, but have been to Deland and Williston. I made it down to the boogie in Marathon about a week ago and had a blast. Since I am still a student I couldn't jump, but my friend, Art, took me up on a tandem....BEAUTIFUL!!!. The energy from the group was amazing, can't wait to make it o a bigger one...maybe I will be able to jump on my own by then.

Going to try and do a jump tomorrow morning! Level 5...can't wait!! :)

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Hey Jean,

It sounds like you're hooked already! And you're right, there's so much to learn and one of the most important things in this sport is to never stop. I know people with thousands of skydives who say they learn something new on every jump. It's a great attitutude to have!

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Yo, baby! What about your good friend Tammie who invited you and took that awesome video of your tandem?? Why doesn't she ever get any credit?? I drag you out of your humble shell, set you up with some friends for awesome tandems and I don't hear a word of gratitude!! Not feeling the love here!![:/]
Let's have fun! :)

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When did I dis her?? I would never do that :P

Have something for Friday night...don't think that I can get off work during the day [:/] I will be there for the weekend though...and I can't wait to jump!!

Have a great time in Deland tomorrow...talked to Mark and he says he is down there already. Sounds like it is going to be a great weekend!

Talk to you tomorrow,


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The reason I mentioned you was because I couldn't jump in the keys unless you took me. She did jump with us and took some awsome video....and I have thanked her for that. She knows that she is the one that got me into jumping and that I owe her and you everything including my first born.


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Your photo here on DZ.com is a bit dark, so I will suppose that when I visited Palatka last Sunday afternoon, the 20th, and made a jump one or two loads before the sunset load, we were on the load together.

After that load (maybe it was the sunset load), I watched a load land and a young woman (maybe you?) made what I consider a perfectly executed textbook, Scott Millierish, pattern-flying, tippy-toe landing dead center in the main landing area. As she (you?) walked past, I congratulated her on such exquisite canopy control. Then the other woman on the load (Tammi?) said, "she's really catching on, isn't she?" That was the first indication I had that she (you?) was new to the sport.

If in fact that was you, again, nice work. If the rest of your skills are on par with what I saw of your canopy control on that one jump, then kudos to you for your hard work and concentration. (A nod to your instructors as well!).

I hope to see you when I visit Palatka again. In the meantime, I'll be hanging at Deland because my wife just yesterday completed her AFF ground school! I'm so thrilled for her and for both of us.

Of course, with the crappy weather, she hasn't jumped yet, but we're hoping for a few jumps this week for her. We'll be jumping Saturday too.

If you come to Deland, let me know. I'm there several weekdays and maybe once on weekends (I HAVE to get a real life someday!).

I can't wait to take her to Palatka to meet all the folks at Florida's (America's?)(the World's?) family friendly DZ.

Congrats to you!


Let's all do this safe enough that we can still do this in our 90's.

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I rememeber who you are, and thank you so much for the compliment. Tammie is actually the one that got me into this sport. I had just finished my AFF training the day before. Art, Shawn (swoop), and Jeff have all done part of my training....Mostly Art.

This weekend was a bust. We didn't get to do any jumping :( After last weekend I was really looking forward to jumping again. Guess I will just have to wait until this weekend to try it again. Only bad thing is that the Otter is going down to Miami this weekend, so the jump runs wont be as entertaining. I love the feeling of having a plane full of skydivers getting hyped about the jump. It was a good weekend!

Don't know when I will be back down to Deland, but hopefully it will be soon. :)

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There is only one Zoomie Master!! He likes to make up rules so that you don't take over his title :P;):)

WHOOOOOAAA!!! I see I need to visit the other threads more often! The rules never change....they've been developed over years of experimenting and drinking. I remember my young years back in Canton when I was a Zoomie Master wantabee.......I refer you to Page 4 of the ZMIM..

Section 2-1 A: The zoomie student MUST clear head level on 5 CONSECUTIVE(tami, that means IN A ROW:P) zoomies to achieve the Zoomie Master Rating.

2-2 A: The potential Master may NOT assist the Zoomie to get it to rise. They may use inside zen zoomieism to mentally assist it. NO PHYSICAL HELP THOUGH!

2-2 A sub1: The potential Master MAY block the upwind side & have other members block also.

**These are the core rules**
Section3-1: Use of virgin spit is recommended to seal the bottom of the zoomie.

Section3-1A: If virgin spit is unavailable, jumper spit OR top shelf beer can be substituted.(cheap beer will anger the zoomie gods)

Section 3-3: Once one achieves the status of Zoomie Master, they will forever be known as a Zoomie Master.

Section 3-3.1: They may attempt to bring their rating current at any time. If the ZM fails it will not affect his rating.

Section3-3.2: Although once achieved, you'll never loose the title, To be titled as a "current" ZM you must have performed and completed the requirements set forth in Section 2-1 A within the previous year.

So since I sent 7 in a row up 2 weeks ago....I guess I'm a "current" Zoomie Master!!! And it's not a title Jean..It's a rating! I know several dozen ZM's here in Fl and Ohio. Maybe someday after years of training you'll become a ZM and I'll induct you to the membership and we will fully inform you stuff like who is the current ILLUSTRIOUS POTENTATE de ZOOMIE is! :P:P:ph34r:

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Wow..got some time on your hands :P

Thank you for laying out some of the official rules on how to become a Zoomie Master.

I agree 'title' is the wrong way to put it....I was lashing out. I believe that happened after one of the first Zoomie nights. Since then I have thought about what it would take to become a Zoomie Master. B|

First and by far the most important thing is...you can't rush it. All conditions must be favorable in order to achieve a ZM rating. Weather, intoxication level, karma and size...it all matters!

Until then, I guess I must continue experimenting and drinking in order to find the right path in Zoomieism. Oh yea, lets not forget the jumping, since the virgin spit has kind of run dry [:/]

BTW, what is the penalty for smashing someone elses Zoomie on the launch pad?! I think that a good spanking is in order :P;)


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