
time for new main?

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Just wandering about your thoughts on this. I have always been told by numerous instructors that I have excellent canopy control. (not supposed to be a show off statement, merely I have always grasped the concept of canopy control and seem to understand it pretty well). I've never (touch wood) had a bad landing, and my landings have always been within 5-10 meters of my target (I like to test my accuracy :)
I'm not interested in doing radical canopy stuff, just wondering whether a gentle downsize maybe a 170 would be any good? I'm pretty heavy so I load canopies fairly well - the 185 I jump now is nice and safe and docile, and I'm really happy with it - so I'm not really all that bothered about changing.

I'm just interested in what you guys think really and what advice re: canopies, should I decided to change would you lot recommend.

My guess is to stick with this one for another hundred jumps or so.

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Sounds like you're doing a good job.

The question I'd encourage you to ask is "Why do I want to downsize? What will I get that I cannot get from my current canopy?"

If you have valid answers and your instructors (AND you) feel your choices are within your limits, then yahoo - have fun and be safe.

I have found that some people just want to downsize for the sake of downsizing, without putting any real thought into the "Why" question (and I'm not implying you by any means).

Blue skies
Performance Designs Factory Team

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First off - what do you weigh and what wing loadings are we be looking at?

How many jumps have you done on the current canopy? And why do you feel you want to downsize? (this is not a trick question!)

You say that your instructors say your canopy control is good - have you spoken to them about this and what are their views?

Have you taken a canopy control course? (Chris Lynch's is excellent and is travelling all over the Uk this summer)

Good luck with your choices :)

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that's what I was feeling. I know I've pretty much mastered my current main (though from my experience (which despite my lower jump numbers I have been in the sport for many years) you never truly master something until you go too far! :P - my instructors said that I'd probably be happier on something a little bit smaller (not radically - as I said something like a 170) - but I'm not bothered - the ZP.exe is basically a sabre copy but with a little steeper glide angle and a few different diving/turning characteristics. I trimmed (not as in cut... as in adjusted!!) the brake lines a little (with advice) and that's made it a little more enjoyable to fly.

you've thrown forward some good things to think about - I';m glad I posted this! :)

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well i weight about 14 1/2 stone (not fat honest!! ;)) and load it at about 1.22-ish... it's been worked out on my profile anyway :)
I've been told the "why do I feel I want to downsize" as I said I think I've mastered it, but I do feel very comfy under canopy (this one) and it would be nice to try something new - I might demo something, but I'm in no urgency to buy. :)
I've been to one of Chris Lynch's seminars at Langar.

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really interesting read! thanks for that.

I've never been faced with the opportunity (that I know of) of landing uphill or downhill... otherwise the rest I have done and can do with a fair amount of confidence (I think over confidence is dangerous) - despite having initiated high speed approaches I'm not really into high performance landings I prefer accuracy (which is something I compete in).

After reading peoples reasoning and questions I'm quite happy that I'm not really in any rush to change. Unlike bikes & cars which I change often just for the sake of it. I'll stick to this canopy for a bit longer (it's pretty anyway :P) and then think about it again.

Is my weight ever going to cause a problem for chosing a canopy? I understand that some canopies need to be loaded a certain way - I know that I will never want a high performance ultra eliptical cross braced nutter hankerchief - but I know I WILL want a more experienced canopy in due course.

Thanks for your interest and comments! :)

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