
Soooooo close........

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I have just a couple of jumps left to complete Cat. H, and then a few fun jumps to hit the 25 required for A license, but........on jump 19 I flared too high and as a result have a severed ACL (knee ligament) which will require surgery. So by the time I go through recovery from surgery I guess I'll have to repeat a few jumps, but it was definitely a learning experience. However, I won the grand prize in a raffle at Safety Day, which was 50% off a harness & container system from Wings, so I'll have a good start at having my own rig soon. Hope to be jumping again by June. It's tough, though, being so close and now having to be grounded. Anyway, hello everyone here......

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Well this is the best place to hang out while you are getting back in shape for skydiving.

Sorry to hear about your knee. Don't push it and jump before your knee is ready or else you'll be out again.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Welcome to the forums! What Flyangel said is very good advice, i've seen and heard about far too many people who try to jump back into the sport too quickly (excuse the pun) and only end up setting themselves back even further and regretting it later.

You might also want to check out www.skydivingmovies.com to help keep you sane while you're grounded - i know it helped me when i had five months off last year with a broken leg B|

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Hey Bart,
T.C..... Also from Orange.
Still Cat C.
Had a Car Accident. May be out for a while.>:(
Also may be deploying to Iraq. still waiting to hear from the Army. Don't know when I'll get up there again, but Nate ( WONDERFUL GUY THAT HE IS) said he'll ferry me out to Orange now and then to help me stay Current. B| We'll all get that A license sooner or later. :)I've had a damaged ACL/Meniscus/ etc... it won't keep ya out of the air for long. Trust me, I know more about Knee injuries than anyone would want to know.
p.s. If I don't deploy, I'm at your service for PT, rehab. I know all the neat tricks to help you get your knee back up to speed.
I went from Max Disability for a Knee/ Medical Discharge back to Full Active Duty with "No Disability"
the moral of this story is ... you CAN do what you will yourself to do { At least in regards to ACL injuries}
Blue Skies!
P.S. For the More Experienced Skydivers ( i.e. almost everyone:P) I'm not trying to rush him back into the air. I'm just saying I can help him get ready faster. Healing still takes time. No doubt about it[:/] But there are definitely steps you can take to make it go quicker and easier if you don't mind putting in the extra effort:)

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I hope you do get back up soon. I have been out for 5 months or more. Think of this as being a chance to learn all the important lessons on the ground before you need them when they really count. Also use this as an opportunity to buy all the gear you need. I know I would not be fully kitted out if it was not for my accident. Also if possible, whatever you were spending on skydiving, place aside so that you can make up for the weeks off when you get back to it. It is better doing this than spending the money on crap because you are grounded.

Get well soon.

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Hey TC! Thanks for the words of encouragement, and sorry to hear about your accident. I've enjoyed our conversations down at Orange and I'll probably take you up on the offer of PT advice. I'm still waiting on an appointment for surgery.....it's through the VA system, so you know how that is.....hurry up and wait. Hope you get out of the trip to Iraq. I'm still visiting the dropzone so maybe I'll see ya there.

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I'm going to the DZ again next week!
I just spend Friday and Saturday there.. BOTH DAYS were TOOOOOOOO Windy...B| On Friday, the plane never even left the Ground:( and on Saturday the only people up were tandems... We had a big thing going on with the local Radio Station. JUMP FOR THE KIDS. ( I'm not exactly sure what we were raising the $$$ for, but we did a great job and got 80 Tandems up in the air.

Anyway, I'm ok (Physically) heheh and I hope to see u at the DZ sometime soon?:$

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