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I just did my first static line jump on saturday. No where near as scary as I thought!

Can't remember so much from exit to canopy opening! Screwed up the count - don't tell the instructors! - and looked up when it just started to open.

Oh well, I will be back next week to do another jump and try and progress on the BPA RAPS course.


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Hi Neil
Go for it,

I did my first static line jump on the 01/04/05 & did my Cat 8 jump on 10/07/05

I was dared to do my first S/L jump for charity by the Air cadets where I am adult staff

Took me a total of 34 jumps to get Cat 8, but don't worry even if it takes you more, do it at your own pace

If you want a laugh you should have seen some of my exits & on my first jump, no arch, no count & I can remember looking up after the canopy had opened & thought "Thank F**k it opened" I was really scared

There were times when I thought that I could not do it & nearly gave it up as it has been very hard work for me but I stuck at it & got there in the end

Did my second & third solo Freefall from 13,000ft on Tuesday deployed @ 3,500, what a rush

I was in the door on my first solo jump from 9.000ft & I was waiting for my instructor to say "Go" then I realised that I was on my own


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The jumpmaster said I was a little 'flat' on exit so I guess that means no positive arch for me either!

The helmet and radio on the side really peed me off - I was trying to admire the view on the way down and could hardly turn my head!

Weather has been bad here - but looks reasonable this weekend with 8mph winds - so hopefully I'll get a couple more jumps done :o

Thanks for the encouragement people!


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Hey nick,

Just wanted to wish you the best of luck for your RAPS progression.!!:)
Im doing AFF next week, but would love to hear how the RAPS stuff goes...

Any chance you could post and let us know how the rest of it goes?:)
Have fun, and hope it all goes really well!!!


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