
Hello- few questions

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Hello all. I`ve never jumped from an airplane, yet, but I recently decided that I was going to do
a static jump. After lurking aroung this site for a while I am starting to wonder if its something I really want to do.
I will admit that before finding this site I thought that it would be as simple as taking a course, taking a plane ride,
jumping out, and floating peacefully to the ground.
Now I see that there is quite a bit more to it than that.:o
I understand that skydiving is a dangerous sport, but it really suprised me to see so many posts about
malfunctions and cut-aways. I guess it kinda spooked me a bit at the idea that I might have
a problem/malfunction at an early jump #.
I still want to jump, but I am going to have to talk one of my buddies into doing it with me as I really dont want to go alone.
I have a million questions, but I wont make this post a book.;)

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While you are going for your A, you do jumps with a coach but you don't have to do large formations yet. At that stage, keeping it at 4 jumpers or under is good.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Good, the less people I have to worry about the better.
Not that I`m non-trusting, I just dont want to stress out too bad about other people taking me out.:P

I`m so pumped about it, now I gotta find somebody to take the course and jump with!!B|B|B|

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Don't wait too long. Many may say they want to go but will never find the time and/or money when they probably know deep down they really don't want to go. Many people start on their own, myself included, I waited 2 months for either of 2 people to come with me, finally got tired of waiting and just went alone. That was 10 years ago, neither of them has jumped yet, although one (my brother) is going to in the next few weeks. Probably alot of skydivers out there who started alone. Listen to your instructors and have fun!

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Ok, I`m going for it tomorrow morning by myself. I had 2 people interested but
when I mentioned a date, they came up with reasons they couldnt do it (money, wife wont let me, etc....).
I just hope there is someone else taking the FJC too.
BTW, I`m a nervous wreck!!:S

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Well if you're the only one in the course then you get lots of personal attention! And get out of class sooner so you can jump. Let me know how it goes. I'm stuck at home today working on my truck, but I get to go Instruct tomorrow. By the way, where are you going for your jump?
Aethrae Cernuare

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Hello, Imade my first jump a few months ago and is was great ive been wanting to do it for awhile and finally did it was a surprise birthday present for me, so ididnt know i was going til i got there, although i didnt go alone there were 8 of us out of 8 people only 2 said they wouldnt do it again as for me im ready to make another jump, ive been saving for my second jump and only need 30$ to go im getting excited. It is a dangerous sport but what the hell you only live once right? Might nas well try something crazy. Im sure you will like it and want to jump many times after that.

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Nobody has warned you about one of the major dangers related to skydiving for the first time.....

The danger is:
You will love it so much that you will want to do it again and again and again and then there goes your bank account, your credit card, your life savings and all the friends you can borrow from....:D:D:D:D
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Well, I just got back from my first jump, WOW!! What an amazing experience! I was kinda taken back by how fast everything happens once you are on the plane.
We take off, next thing I know, I get a head butt from my instructor and out I go.
I`m not sure which was more frightening, the ride up or hanging from the wing just before letting go.

I`m really pissed at myself for my bad exit though. I completely forgot to arch and count, ended up "swimming", like the guy on
the training video. What an embarrassment, but I did manage a stand up landing.

The notes in my log book read "good climbout, kicked an swam on exit, did recover stability."
Funny thing is, I dont remember regaining stability.:S

After the 1/2 hour it seemed to take for the canapy to open, I had a few line twists. I was terrified of line twists, but was really suprised how easy they came out.
I think on my next jump, I will be a little calmer and maybe I wont forget to arch. Cant wait!!
Thanks everybody for the encouraging words, now I`m hooked!!;)

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I Understand your worries, but here a a true story on my way to the WFFC (world freefall convention).

While going thru PA we were stpped in traffic for about 1 & 1/2 hrs. Once traffic started to move we got the jist of the accident. "A vehicle lost control
on the overpass hence going thru the guard rail and
plummeting to rt 74 and hitting a car directly on it's
roof down below. Was it fatal??? yes.
I would assume there was some human error on the
above vehicle and none on the below.

Moral is: watch your own ass and try to eliminate one
of the steps that would lead to an unfortunate mishap..eg... fiddle fucking around with your slider, trying to get your hands in the toggles, etc.....
I am sure I could go on & on as anyone who reads
these forums. I love this sport and want to and have
gotten involved in the ground training (academics)
which is rewarding.. LISTEN to your instructors because they have been there & done that.

Love to learn & learn to live

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