
Is Skydiving For Me?-Ouch!

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I wanted to find out if skydiving could be a new sport for me and my first time solo (1st AFF jump)-so excited-trying to make the perfect landing, on my feet, which I was SO CONFIDENT I could do, I broke my ankle! Ouch! I just got out of my pretty boot, after 6 wks, but have to wait 3 MORE WEEKS (PT), before I can work on improving my skills. I'm wondering, is this a sign????? Oh, by the way, I landed on my feet for about 3 seconds! ;)
"It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities." - A. Dumbledore

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I hope so. I truly enjoy every moment up there! I've thought alot about what I did wrong and I won't do that again! I want to continue my training but I'm just a little hesitant. I think that will change once I get back into it! Thanks Skymama.
"It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities." - A. Dumbledore

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All i can say is, dont let a bad landing change your mind if its something you enjoy doing. Like Skymama said, you probably just had some bad luck. My first landing didnt go to well either, i twisted my ankle and it hurt like hell when i made my second jump that day. If skydiving is something you really enjoy so far, im sure you were hooked on your first jump like the rest of us, let the ankle heal and get back up and jump as soon as you can. Dont sit around and wait and think about it, and think yourself out of it cause youll regret not doing it if you do. Just my 2 cents.


_______________The only thing in life that doesnt take effort is failure________________

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I tend to over think things anyway, but I'm determined to get through the PT I have to do for the next 3 weeks, then focus on jumping again! Thanks for the encouragement!
"It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities." - A. Dumbledore

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Oh, by the way, I landed on my feet for about 3 seconds!

Have you talked to your instructor yet about what happened when you landed? If you were on your feet for 3 seconds and then broke your ankle, it's making me wonder if maybe you put your feet down too quickly once you flared.

If you put them down before you finish your flare, then you still have forward momentum with your canopy. Many people run on the landing to compensate for the speed they are still having when they put their feet down when it would have been better if they would have kept their feet up for a second longer. I'm only saying this because I was guilty of it myself on a jump when I sprained my ankle very badly. I learned a lot from that jump! :S
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
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I didn't go over the details of my landing with my instructor. I was too excited and was wataching the rest of my groundschool classmates make their landings! But I think what happened is that I was so surprised I landed on my feet that I stopped thinking about continuing moving forward with the momentum! What I remember is landing on my feet and then the force of the canopy moving me back a little and that's when my ankle went sideways, then, I went forward somehow and ended up on my hands & knees! When I got up, my ankle was really sore. I've been studying my tandem video since and I think I understand what I did wrong. I will definetly talk it over with my next instructor to make sure I don't make any more landing mistakes! That's my favorite part!! :)
"It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities." - A. Dumbledore

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Just to make you feel a bit better, someone from my home dropzone also broke their leg on their first AFF jump and he is now a cat 8 after a full recovery, just plain bad luck!! its took me 7 jumps to finally stand on my feet on landing!!:)
LittleDJ!!- There is no such thing as a perfectly good aircraft!!!

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You know what, everyone at work thought that was pretty quick too. But the doc said 3 weeks of PT, then it should be ok. It also depends on what the therapist thinks. I hope it doesn't take longer!
"It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities." - A. Dumbledore

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Tis better to PLF than it is to have to pay for a femur fracture. Also a FX femur gets you put in a mid evil contracption called either a Sager or Hare Traction splint.
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I will, but line twists after landing? I have to worry about that too! No one has told me about that! What am I suppose to do?

jip, they are the worse kind..
they happen if you continue rolling after your canopy stopped...;)

Only solution: Practice those landings...... [:/]


If you woke up breathing, congratulations!
You get another chance.

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I twisted my ankle pretty badly on jump 2, tore some ligaments and was hopping around on one foot for two months. (Old injury, did the same a while before that while hiking/climbing in the jungles of malaysia.) Didn't stop me fencing at a competition three days later and doing 3 more jumps a week later... Not recommended at all really ;) But what can you do?

Option1: resist temption and let it heal.
Option2: give in and have fun.

I was weak....


"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of
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Wow you did all that with a twisted ankle?! You must have high pain tolerance! I'm trying to let mine heal but am guilty of playing some tennis! Just not ready to jump again - not yet. [:/]
"It is our choices that show what we truly are far more than our abilities." - A. Dumbledore

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Well, less pain torelance and more stupidity really [:/] , my left ankle's quite prone to being twisted now, but that was more the 9 hours hiking back through a jungle. And to be honest,, i'm guilty of sliding in my landings and was slaughtered trying to fence sabre standing still. I guess once your doctor gives the OK and you fell comfortable, you're all set! :)

"In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of
people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move."

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