
I'm so new I haven't jumped yet

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Hi everyone! I'm so new at this I haven't even jumped yet(just 1 tandem 8 years ago) but I plan to start the AFF training next month. All jumpers from 808 area code, holla at me! BTW, I was just reading about the Static line. Which is better, AFF or S/L?

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Hey there, welcome to dz.com!

I'm not from the 808 area, hell i'm not even from the US but here's a hello anyway ;):D

As for AFF vs. Static Line - you'll get various opinions from various people, a good place to start is with the "seach posts" function button at the top of this page. You'll find a lot of info there and can read all of the debates.

In MY opinion though, if you can afford it, do AFF. You'll be learning quicker and can get your A that much sooner, provded you get through the programme quickly. That being said, a lot of very talented skydivers started their careers on Static line.

Good luck with your decision and your training!


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Welcome to our wonderful world:)
IMHO, I would do AFF if you can afford it, it is more expensive that Static Line. I did the IAD program (similar to static line) because of the cost issue. With AFF you are exposed to actual freefall from the beginning and your progression will be much faster. Anyway, Have Fun!!!!! and be SAFE!!!!!!!

Blue Skies and Stand-up Landings!!!!!!

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Welcome to the family.

Both AFF and Static are great. They get you out of the plane and into the air. For me, I did a static course then a few years later did AFF. Thing I liked about doing the static first was that it took one new element away during AFF. All I had to do was focus on the new experience of freefalling, once I pitched...I had already done that so didnt worry or start thinking too much. It just wasnt that new when i was under canopy so made it easier.
Just my 0.2 worth though.

There is a fine line between cockiness and confidence -- which side of the line are you on?

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Complicated! Thats an understatment. I'd PM him....very interesting work that got him into those cockpits. ;)

Is he the guy that test the "eject" thing?

BTW...Im new!!! :P
Got 1 tandem and I start AFF tomorrow.

Been reading this forums a lot, found the answer to many questions.
DS #419.5

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Hey yeyo! Que pasa? I'm really excited and I can't wait to start AFF. Keep us posted on your progress and I'll do the same to you all with mine once I get started. Is there a lot of skydiving in PR? I'm in Hawaii and I haven't met any local jumpers here yet.

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i just wanted to add that there seem to be benefits to both aff and static line BUT i am kinda impatient. i don't mind saving and waiting a bit to do the aff course cos i know that after 7 days ish i will be jumping solo! ;)
i like the idea of taking some time out and learning to skydive in a shorter space of time. and, as skymama said too the freefall is awsome! something i experinced on my tandem but kind of missed on the static line jump i've done.


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