
Just found this place

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Some one told me about dropzone.com at safety day last weekend at Elsinore. I feel like a little kid in a candy shop, reading all these posts. I wish I would have found this place years ago. What a great place to gather skydive knowlage. And to think that I spent all that money buying beers for more experienced jumpers at the end of the jump day.NOW YA TELL ME... :P Well, just wanted to say hi! and blue skys..


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Wow, i bet you can't believe it now, finding this website after all that time!! :o
Dz.com is a great resource, have a look at the articles, dropzones and classifieds as well as the forums though!

And on those really slow days, you can have great arguments over in Speakers Corner - lol :P

Welcome and keep posting.


Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. If you don't take it out and use it, its going to rust.

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Holly, Lord of the flys Batman. I just spent my first hour in speakers corner:o:SB|. Your right. It can be quite the snake pit. My first thought here (as a new guy) is, how can a sport that has surrounded it self with great people going out of there way to help each other, have a place with people going out of there way to hurt and put down others? Maybe I'll cruz some other forums for a while. Plenty of constructive stuff to read here.

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how can a sport that has surrounded it self with great people going out of there way to help each other, have a place with people going out of there way to hurt and put down others?

Skydiving has a lot of very educated and strong personalities in it. The people are bound to clash sometimes. When have you ever heard of a skydiver not having an opinion on something? ;)

I don't go in SC much either, it's not the kind of vibe that I like to feel throughout the day. You're right, there are plenty of other forums to read. :)
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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