
Newbie to licenced, Best AFF sites in USA?

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Finally got the money to fulfill a life's ambition to get qualified as a skydiver, I live in the UK and dont want to have to trek to my local site in the hope that the British weather has been kind enough to allow AFF jumps so am thinking of heading over to the States with my buddy who wants to do this as well and do it in one of the week or two week courses.
So I know its a stupidly expansive question but is there anyone who can offer suggestions for a good DZ that offers these courses in the US.
My pal flys for BA so can get us cheap flights so wether its Florida, Arizona or California it makes no difference to us.
Hope someone can help.

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[....] am thinking of heading over to the States with my buddy who wants to do this as well [....] My pal flys for BA so can get us cheap flights

When the pilots want to go to parachute school, it's a sign that you really ought to be flying a different airline.


You might know this already but one thing you should ask about is licensing. Some US DZs have instructors that are certified to the UK (BPA) standards and follow the BPA training program, so it is easy for you to get a BPA license even though you're training abroad.

Another consideration is weather (as you well know). Florida is nice most of the time but there is the possibility of hurricanes during part of the year. Arizona is nice from fall through spring, but pretty warm in the summer. I hear that California is sunny and 72 all the time. On the other hand, I started jumping in Oklahoma in early June, so maybe I'm not the best person to advise on this.


PLF does not stand for Please Land on Face.

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