
Bustin to do AFF !!

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hi everyone
new to this site and think it great.;)
i hope some off u guys out there can help me. i did a tandem a few months ago and loved every second to the piont that im addicted . its in my head every socond of every waking moment , its drivin me insane.:S
so me and my sister are bookin are AFF at freefalladdicts in spain for the end of August for 10 days off jumpin, guiness and sun.
so back to the help.
can anybody teach me some jargon?
is there any excerises i can be doing to help me with my arch?
has anyone got any feedback they can give me about the freefalladdicts DZ?
should you be tought with the mantis or not?
is there some thing you wish someone had told you when you started jumping that u would like to share with me?
give your wisdom guys HELP:S

have a good 1
Lifes 2 short so live it!!!!!!

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is there any excerises i can be doing to help me with my arch?

Just normal regular stretching will probably help a lot - all the practice arching you'll be doing during ground school will cane your back the next day if you don't have any flexibility. Of course its all worth it when you jump out of the plane the first time anywayB|.

Its pretty cool that you're going with your sister, you guy's should have a lot of fun!
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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