
time to delurk...

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Hello to all,

My name's Rob, I'm 27, I'm from Somerset in England, and I've recently taken up this amazing sport.

Just last week I completed my AFF levels, I now need to progress with my consolidation jumps ready to get my A license.

Nothing else in life could possibly feel like freefall.

Many people have said to me that it changes your life. I think its more accurate to say that it changes your perception of your life. I can say that the first jump certainly put in to perspective the things that are most important to me, and throughout my AFF course I found myself reflecting on my life so far, and how things are right now.

But enough of that... skydiving is fun!

I can't wait to get back in the air :)

Great to meet you all, its amazing to join such an amazing circle of people.


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Welcome to the forums! :)). Good luck on the rest of your training and I hope you get a lot of blue skies over there.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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delurk... well I work in IT, so I'm a bit of a geek... delurk comes from the old USENET/Newsgroups world and was the term used for someone that goes from just readin a group (lurking) to being an active poster...

So no, its probably not a word! ;)

Thanks for your message!



Welcome to the forums! :)). Good luck on the rest of your training and I hope you get a lot of blue skies over there.

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