
2nd chance in life brought me back to skydiving!!!

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Hello everyone!!
I'm new in here so I just came to introduce myself and tell the story of how it all started. First we could say from the roof with my superman cape at the age of 6, but that didn't work out to well. So in Dec. 1999 while on a trip to Playa del Carmen,MX I went into I diving shop ready to go diving with my mom, but there was a sign that said "you always wanted to skydive" and I told my mom you know that is sooo true, so I had to convince here not to go diving and hello SKYDIVING!! Next morning I wasup and ready for my big jump, to bad I had to wait the whole day and the weather didn't allow me to make my jump, but the next day was my lucky day, that's when I made my first jump with Jurgen. I fell in love with the sport and the next week before returning to the states I went again for a second jump, this time I had to change instructors the first one had a little to much to drink...so I took my jump with Duncan. After those 2 jumps of course I wanted to be able to jump alone, but with the end of my trip my dream of jumping alone went back to to being a dream of who knows maybe one day?
It all changed last year when I was on a fatal car accident that almost takes my life, but fortunally I was really lucky to be one of the survivors and being able to write about it today. That for me was the worst thing that had ever happened, before that I was never scared of doing anything I used to love all types of thrills, the thought of dying had never even crossed my mind, but after that lots of things changed :(, I didn’t want to go out because I was scared of something happening again, after 4 months I just got sick of feeling that way so I tried to get over my fear by going skiing with my family like the year before, the first day I was mentally screwed up, I was on top of the mountain and my legs felt paralyzed just as soon as I would start sliding down into the fog. I could not ski to scared, the next day I had to get an instructor who finally made me feel a little more comfortable until I started to enjoy myself again.
I knew I needed a little time out from the everyday life, so I was able to go away to Playa for 4 days, when I got there, I went to the DZ to say hi to my friends and after watching a couple of jumps from the beach my good friend Victor got me to trust him and take a jump. For the first time in a long time I had again that feeling of freedom, happiness and the most important part just letting go again without restrictions of holding myself back….Now I got my addiction back and I’m ready to complete my dream of skydiving on my own....that’s when I finish making my savings ;) ….But this time there is nothing stopping me life can be cut to short like to waste time without doing the things that you love. Wait, did someone actually read up to here? :PIf someone did thanks so much!!!! and I hope to be flying very soonB|:D

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Many obstacles in life take time to over come. Some take more time then others. I glad to hear you found your way back to the sky and to the forums.
TPM Sister#130ONTIG#1
I love vodka.I love vodka cause it rhymes with Tuaca~LisaH
You having a clean thought is like billyvance having a clean post.iluvtofly

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Hi there:)Im new around here but when i saw your post i just could'nt help myself. Gotta say its really nice to hear you let go of your fear and went skydiving:)I have not had a jump yet, but i'm going to the local DZ next weekend, so we will see how things turns out.

This post just lets me know that i should'nt delay anything - since tomorrow i could be dead:S

Blue skies and many JumpsB|


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Life's too short to not live it to its full potential....whatever that may be for each person! Welcome back to the blue skies!
DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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Thanks so much for the nice comments, and I’m so happy to hear of all the new people that want to give it a try at skydiving, well once you try it I’m sure there is not going back hahaha…
Skymama you are sooooo right some things are definitely worth the wait!!!!!
But if you are someone who has never skydived before DON’T WAIT just jump!!!
And to the people who created dropzone.com great job! This is a great place to find all type of information, from the new ones to the old skydivers, keep up the good work

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