
first jump tomorow new to forum

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Hi Im Amy and me and some friends are going static line in Comox B.C tomorow.I want to be prepard to go but im so scared reading up on it over the internet.I read that some ppl get sick from fear or pee there pants or black out .Im one of those ppl that wont do anything unless its very planned. should i bring gravol i dont want to make an ass of my self.What was the scaryest thing about your experence? When the door opens and landing are my bigest fears?Should I wear jeans or do u think jogging pants are better?I have a cold and blow my nose and cough every once in a while will that effect anything?I also have anxity issues but am not on medication what if i panic?God what did i get myself into:|
The Wolf howled from under the leaves while spiting fine feathers from his feast of fowl like him I devour myself*Jim Morrison*

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I haven't read your other posts that I see you have made so don't know if you are sincere in your questions but... relax and smile. If you don't think your gonna enjoy it, maybe you wont. Its great! If you feel positive before jumping you'll have a better eperience. For that door fear you will get (only natural) I can only say what worked for me and thats just think your dive over and over again and maybe try to steady yourself by controlling your breathing. In through nose, out through mouth. I'm no instructor but worked for me :P

However... if you got a cold DO NOT JUMP, wait until after you have cleared completely. I don't know the true extent of damage but I know it ain't pretty and it can be serious.

Oh, I'd recommend something sportier than jeans that allows full free movement of your body :)

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What have you heard about jumping with a cold ?
The Wolf howled from under the leaves while spiting fine feathers from his feast of fowl like him I devour myself*Jim Morrison*

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Best ways your sinuses unload and you land looking like a snot monster. Worst way you cause severe and permanent damage to your ears as they cant equalise properly. I believe this can cause the ear drum to actually pop and bleed nicely. So ultimately I suppose the worst thing is going deaf but I'm not an ear specialist by any stretch of the imagination.

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wow thank you i will bring it up tomorow or maby go to a walk in clinic and ask a doctor thats pretty scary .
The Wolf howled from under the leaves while spiting fine feathers from his feast of fowl like him I devour myself*Jim Morrison*

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A quick search on the forum search engine brought up this old thread...




You might be OK doing static line but if its your first jump I'd recommend you in best possible position to undertake something new like this. I don't know about you but when I have a cold I'm kinda preoccupied with feeling rough. But then I am a wimpy man and we don't get colds, only man flu! ;)

Oh yeah, as I now read you have learnt in other posts. The key with any query you have is ask your instructors next time you are at the DZ. Nobody minds you asking questions online but take whatever you read with a pinch of salt. Only opinion worth listening too really is your instructors :)

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lol its for my boyfriends birthday so i feel a lil forced to go.If the doctor says its ok im gonna do it .Hopefully i dont snot every where and i guess even if i do it will be worth it.
The Wolf howled from under the leaves while spiting fine feathers from his feast of fowl like him I devour myself*Jim Morrison*

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Just bear in mind why your doing it, don't feel you have to, do it becaus eyou want to and because you are ready too. You may well be OK but it's your health at the end of the day and thats more important.

Good idea to check with the doctor though :)

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thank you for the advice! you rock!! have a good day
The Wolf howled from under the leaves while spiting fine feathers from his feast of fowl like him I devour myself*Jim Morrison*

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Yea, you're gonna have fun!! First jump I did (tandem, not static) I almost psyched myself out of it. I'm glad I didn't.

Anticipation of the actual jump is a lot worse than the just doing the jump! Most important thing: relax and SMILE!!:)
And the breathing technique does help greatly! Yea, fear is normal--and I had the same fears--exiting the plane and landing. If it's hot at the DZ, it feels good when the door opens. Yea its a tad nerve-wracking at first, but enjoy it. Well the exit is AWESOME!! And the landing will most likely be nice and soft.

The view is unreal, plus once you do it you can say you jumped out of a planeB|

Have Fun!!!;)

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First off, welcome to the forum and to this wonderful sport!

I would agree - Best to not jump if you have a cold.. I did my first jump (a tandem) with a cold. Put it this way, it hurt like hell! Got back to the ground and my head was throbbing for two hours afterwards..

Still, that wasnt enough to put me off - two days later and AFF was booked and paid for!

Enjoy your jump and let us know how it goes.

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I didnt jump!!!!!!!! Dude my pride is sooooo low now .I took the class got geared up whent up in the plane (was the first one that was going to jump in the plane) I put my foot and arm out and whimped out when I felt the wind.Every one jumped but me. I paid for two jumps so I have one more jump I can still try but exiting the plane and holding the strut is sooooo freaky. i want to practice on ground 100 times before I go.And the ARCH 1000 ,2000,3000,4000,5000,have i stopped,check canopy,are my lines twisted,Plan B2 and all that fun is to complex for me to even fathom. I dont even wana leave my house tomorow im so ashamed.I must say my instructor was great!!!!!! So understanding.I wish we had more training then 5 to 8 hrs I want to know every thing before i jump.
The Wolf howled from under the leaves while spiting fine feathers from his feast of fowl like him I devour myself*Jim Morrison*

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Hey, its okay!

The exit is the hardest part for most people.. Don't worry if you couldn't manage it first time. There's no need to be ashamed. Like Scoop said, jumping out of a plane is completely against all of our natural instincts, so to be scared is completely natural - it's the human bodys way of making sure we stay alive!

Trust your equipment. Trust your instructors. Everything will be okay next time - you'll see!

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Don't worry about it! Everybody understands what you were feeling...definitely a different experience! No biggie, whenever you feel comfortable, try it again. I'm pretty positive that once you are out that door, you will love it!!

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im gonna try in a few weeks any advice on how to get more knowledge on my gear and about line twists and when to cut and pull out reserve i need more info then i think all be ok if i jumped yesterday i would have freaked out and if plan b came into play i most likely would have failed and not saved myself
The Wolf howled from under the leaves while spiting fine feathers from his feast of fowl like him I devour myself*Jim Morrison*

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i felt really bad about it till i went on here and found out im not alone.I cant wait till i get confident in this sport my life will change forever. Im so interested in everything about skydiving.The look on my instructors face when his students(minus me) jumped was priceless he looked so proud and happy for every one i almost cried from seeing it. What a great thing this is I cant wait.
The Wolf howled from under the leaves while spiting fine feathers from his feast of fowl like him I devour myself*Jim Morrison*

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I hate to say it, but if you got nagging questions you really should speak to your DZ. It sounds like you have some fears perhaps as not familiar enough with the kit. I'm sure the people at the DZ will happily show you if you feel need extra input.

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Im going to hang out at the dz for a week first i think pay to ride in the plane again just to watch ppl exit .watch a few more landings.Im sure i can get for instruction from them they were great. I want to practise everything untill its natural.But no matter how much i learn i will have 100 questions to ask.the class was of 12 people so i didnt have a chance to ask as much as id like to.And they were all crazy boys that were yelling and running around like retards not lisening and maken me nervous.I mean god we where in the plane and i was trying to get in the mode i had wrote my exit plan on my hand and was reading it in my head so i counted right and they were hiting my helmet like football players trying to get me angry so id jump. my boyfriends telling me he loves me and somthing about getting married. they were telling me if i want to join the canadian reserves that i can do this i was so distracted that i felt unprepeard and wanted to knock one of them out. next time i think it will be just me and the instrcutor
The Wolf howled from under the leaves while spiting fine feathers from his feast of fowl like him I devour myself*Jim Morrison*

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but i have never felt so useless in my life im going next time if i hurt myself or not( i think i have little man syndrome for girls) i cant belive i backed out that plane ride back down was like watching myself get beat up and doing nothing about it
The Wolf howled from under the leaves while spiting fine feathers from his feast of fowl like him I devour myself*Jim Morrison*

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any advice on how to get more knowledge on my gear and about line twists and when to cut and pull out reserve

Best thing is to speak to your instructors.

Since its your first jump, you will probably be on a fairly large, docile canopy - so line twists are more likely to be an inconvenience than something that would require a cutaway. General rule of thumb with line twists is to try to untwist them (seperate the risers and kick your legs to counter the twists). If you clearly aren't going to get anywhere (perhaps, because the canopy is still turning), then you should cut away and go for your reserve.

This next part should definately be referred to your instructor for advice. I am simply relaying what my instructor taught me.

There are two important altitudes which you should have pre-planned before you jump: Your "Decision Altitude" and your "Hard Deck". Again, i stress: Speak to your instructor!

Decision Altitude

This is the height at which you need to have made a decision on whether to cut away or keep your main.

Hard Deck

At this height, you should have a working canopy (main or reserve) above your head.

A good way to pick up knowledge of the gear is to watch people pack, or learn to pack yourself. I'm sure there will be someone at your DZ who would be willing to help you out.

I really can't stress this enough though: Speak to your instructor about anything you are not sure on before you jump. You may be given advice by people on here (such as myself), but your instructors will be able to give you the best information and will explain anything you want. Don't be worried to ask a "silly" question. In skydiving, there are no silly questions.

Be safe and enjoy your jump.

(disclaimer: This advice is coming from someone with only 25 jumps! Disregard anything that I have said if your instructor disagrees with it.)

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Nice!! Yea, I'm sure the tandem will be MUCH easier!! Takes loads of stress out of your first jump.

Most TI's I know will let you pull and control the chute. One thing, if it's possible, is you may think of questions during your canopy ride (or even in the plane), is ask them right then and there.


And I can see how I react in that situation if I panic or take control of my fear.

I'm sure you'll do fine! With a TI right behind you, it's a lot easier to get out the door! There may be a slight moment of "AHHHHHH" right when you exit the plane, but it'll quickly vanish by how much full you'll be having !!:)
Hope it goes well and can't wait to hear about it!!!

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