SpiritFingers 0 #26 August 4, 2006 Jewels, I expect to see a post on Monday morning with all the details of your first actual experience. I'm doing levels 6, 7 and hopefully 8 this weekend and I'm almost more excited for you and your first escape from the plane. That actual first time is permanently engraved in my mind. God, I cant wait to hear all about it. Have a great time. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jewels 0 #27 August 4, 2006 Welll, we will see. It may not happen this weekend after all. It's a combination of things, not the least of which was a COMPLETELY unexpected and unwelcome wave of abject terror. How can I be so excited about this and then out of nowhere become so completely terrified? That's just wrong. Besides, I have enough tunnel time that I should be in love with the free fall. So, what's the problem with my brain, already???!TPM Sister #102 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest #28 August 4, 2006 Aww. You should do it this weekend!! And yes, the terror is normal.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jewels 0 #29 August 4, 2006 Normal? I was doing just fine and then, WHAM!, my head started actually contemplating the whole thing and my stomach said, "uh, no. . . ." The problem is, my heart is half-way out the door.TPM Sister #102 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest #30 August 4, 2006 haha, yup. One second your psyched for it. The next, BAM, the stomach begins eating itself and you start having a cold sweat from the anticipation. Lol. Am I close? But yea, it's all normal. Still go do the tandem though, you'll have a blast! Yea, it takes a little determination on overcoming the initial terror, but its not that bad with an instructor strapped to your back!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SpiritFingers 0 #31 August 4, 2006 WHAT????? Not acceptable. I Just wont have it. STOP and i scream STOP thinking about it so much... didnt we already have this discussion? Its like getting on a roller coaster (the anxiety is normal). Youre in great hands - you dont have to do a thing - and once you do it you will love it. Its the first step thats always scary as hell. But i promise, suck it up and do and you will have a blast. My apologies for being a bit harsh but i was so looking forward to you doing this. Okay, I realize that was really harsh. And if youre not ready then youre not ready... i'll support you either way. But i'm not changing what i wrote above cause that really was my initial thoughts. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SpiritFingers 0 #32 August 4, 2006 Alright, I apologize for going off. I'm just really bummed for you because i know how much you want this. I understand the fear issues and all i can say is once you do it - you will love it. Its all in the first step babe... note: if you can talk your self out it then you can talk your self into it. Keep us posted and let us know how the weekend goes. Again my apologies for going off...I'm told i come off a bit strong and i should probably work on that. Sorry if i offended you in anyway. ps: heard something this morning that made me laugh my ass off: "Kids see a sandbox and want to play in it. Cats see a sandbox and want to shit in it - dont be catty" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jewels 0 #33 August 4, 2006 You are too funny! Go off all you want--that's actually sort of how I feel, too!!! The best description I can come up with is that it's like my brain is being a traitor. I am compromising and going up to the DZ in the morning to meet a few people and watch a while. I am not going with the intention of talking myself into the jump tomorrow, but I AM going with the intention of re-setting my brain and getting back to the original game plan. I really want this, and frankly, it surprised me when the panic set in. I don't do a full blown panic about very much and I sure didn't expect it with something I was so excited to go do. So, my brain and my stomach are going to get just enough attention to quiet the rebellion and then I'm going to let my heart pull me out the door. I'm just glad that the panic happened on the ground and not in the air!TPM Sister #102 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jewels 0 #34 August 4, 2006 Quote haha, yup. One second your psyched for it. The next, BAM, the stomach begins eating itself and you start having a cold sweat from the anticipation. Lol. Am I close? Um, yep, that would pretty much be it. So how long before that goes away? (Because I assume skydiving doesn't work that well when you're on enough Valium not to care anymore.)TPM Sister #102 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest #35 August 4, 2006 It goes away eventually. I don't have all that many jumps, but I don't really get door fear, just some good 'ol anticipation! Door fear usually goes down after a few jumps...then its just a blast!! So your jumping tomorrow, yes?? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jewels 0 #36 August 5, 2006 Not committing to a jump tomorrow; just committing to go up to the DZ and check things out to get back on track. I want to be mentally engaged when I do this, and not just to be getting through it.TPM Sister #102 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chris_uk 0 #37 August 6, 2006 Hi - I dont know if Jewels jumped, but I sure did! W O W I arched well out of the door, remembered my drills, got line twists, freed this, thought "what now" - occured to me to grab my toggles LOL I was surpised as I was not at all nervous in the plane - I really enjoyed the ride up. I just kept going through my drills, over and over again. "Door fear" was not an issue as the door was open from the ground. I was last out - which sucked a little. The first out "swam" which looked funny as hell on the debrief... I arched well and counted when I went. WOW AMAZING! The only thing I had a problem with was the pre-jump talk where we discussed where to be at certain points at certain altitudes. To be honest, I never really thought much about the ride down before today - I got hung up on the exit. I was radioed instructions, which went slightly against what we discussed before hand. It turns out that the wind had dropped and the ground controller wanted us in a different place. I was a little confused during the ride down - so I stuck with the plan I had in my head and landed that. I hope I didnt piss off the co-ordinater too much with my stubborn approach - I didnt want to deviate from what I thought was my safest landing approach. Anyways, I landed safely and all is ok (except for the bruse in my ribs from my elbow!). I hoped to stand up on landing, missed by a foot and was dumped into the ground.... Anyways - All the DZ staff were fantastic. The 3 other guys on the SL course were cool also. Blue Skies. Chris (( I have uploaded the last 2 mins or so of my landing taken from the ground (10 MB) <> . You can see the navigation confusion - something to work on I guess! )) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jewels 0 #38 August 6, 2006 Chris, I am SO EXCITED for you!!! Congratulations!!! That sounds great and I can't WAIT to see the upload. WAY TO GO!!!! I would go leaping across the DZ to give you a congratulatory hug, but I'm nowhere near you and you'd probably think I was a freak for being a total stranger, bounding across the field at you. So, I will just limit it to a huge congratulations. Lead the way! No, I didn't jump but I did go to the DZ and that was a very good thing to do. I spent a few hours out there and never got tired of watching load after load. They are still very small specks in the sky before deployment, but seeing lots of happy landings was helpful. A good friend went with me and I got to see two other friends jump, so all in all, it was good to get my head back on straight again. Jumping will now have to wait until the next paycheck as I had to drown my woes in 20 minutes of tunnel time to feed the beast since I didn't jump, but I at least am now back to the point where my fear is not overwhelming. Watching was good, good, good. I know I'm still going to have terror at the door, but at least now I don't feel like throwing up anymore. All in all, it's very anticlimatic but I still consider it a successful day.TPM Sister #102 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sartre 0 #39 August 6, 2006 Jewels!! You're s'posed to get the rest of us in on the tunnel time when you cheat!! It was fun today....except for the rain thing. (Could have been worse. We could have been on that last load getting pelted by ice at 11k). See ya Tuesday!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jewels 0 #40 August 6, 2006 HEY!!! Look who's online!!! Yeah, I cheated--but notice how I called you a "good friend?" (Does that get me any bonus points? Um, yeah, no. Besides, you're the one who got the full body massage today!) You'll be delighted to know that 20 minutes and a small fortune later, all I accomplished was learning to do a 1/2 barrel roll and to flop like a fish on the belly-to-back and back-to-belly transitions. Tuesday can't get here fast enough. (BRAD--FIX THIS MESS!)TPM Sister #102 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jewels 0 #41 August 6, 2006 Oh, yeah--one more thing. I bought a LOG BOOK today so I'm all set when I get my act together. It's either optimistic, foolish, or I should get honorary membership in the Boy Scouts for being obscenely prepared. Whatta geek.TPM Sister #102 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sartre 0 #42 August 6, 2006 You are soo not a geek. PM sent. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest #43 August 7, 2006 Haha, yea, Be Prepared! Nothing wrong with that! Yea, Saturday probably wasn't the best day to do a jump...kinda rainy....however, there's always next weekend!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jewels 0 #44 August 7, 2006 That last load got pelted pretty good with ice on the way down. NOT a pleasant ride back to the ground, it sounds like. OUCH!TPM Sister #102 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
squarecanopy 0 #45 August 10, 2006 I was so scared on my first jump that they had to coax me out onto the landing gear! (Cessna 206)Then on my second ride to the top for Level 2 AFF, the pilot let a hop & pop out and accidentally stood on the right rudder pedal while reaching for the door closing handle, and the airplane rolled up vertical to the right! I started to slide out the door and "dang near" wet my flight suit. My heart was pounding so hard that I completely spaced out the fact that I was 4500 feet above the ground, with a perfectly good parachute strapped on, and that the whole point of this little exercise was to GET OUT of the airplane in the first place. Now days I can't wait for the door to get open, 'cause the most fun is OUTSIDE!!!! [laugh Just burning a hole in the sky..... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chris_uk 0 #46 August 11, 2006 well done square for sticking with it - it's well worth jumping, eh? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ladydyver 0 #47 August 12, 2006 i will be in lake wales in december celebrating my graduation!!!! Going to go jump and soak up the adrenaline.DPH # 2 "I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~ I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lastchance 0 #48 August 12, 2006 My first three were tandems. Not in the least bit scared. My first AFF jump tho, I was scared shitless. You couldn't have pounded a needle in my ass with a sledge hammer. But I'm not sure I was as scared of the jump as I was of screwing it up. I wanted to be the perfect student, you know, a natural born skydiver. what I was, was a natural born back flipper. For my first 10 jumps I couldn't get off the step without doing a back flip. I was keeping my feet to close to my butt. I finally overcame that and al was well. Good luck and welcome. I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
angrypeppers 1 #49 August 14, 2006 I never really got scared, more like a slight, dull nervousness, especially once we got on board the plane. The nerves hit hardest as we were scooting back to the door. Luckily, we only spent about a second in the doorway before we jumped. I do remember thinking about how much air was betweem us and the ground though! After we were out, it took a second or two to remember to breathe, then all was well... ChrisBurn the land and boil the sea, You can't take the sky from me. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
degarmo 0 #50 August 15, 2006 Too funny!! I don't think anyone has ever been more freaked out then I was on my first Tandem. Couldn't BELIEVE I got myself into that situation, especially since it was OPTIONAL! I cried and begged and swore and prayed and cried some more...I was fortunate to have an incredible TI, we actually back flipped out of the plane which meant I didnt have to stare at the ground from 13k, all I had to do was look at the back of the plane. When it was my turn I honestly thought I would just die right there on the spot!! Of course, it went off without a hitch and Im happy to say there is nothing in the world I would rather do than jump jump jump!!! Welcome to the forums!! Blue skies!! WHAT A DIZZY DANCE~SINKIN INTO SWEET UNCERTAINTY Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites