
I saw God...he was pointing and laughing...

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Hey, there!
Skittles here, and I just made my first jump this morning!!! O-M-G. That's it...I'm addicted.
I'm an Army reservist from Oklahoma. I am in Milwaukee Wisconsin for Annual Training, and a fellow soldier that I had JUST met suggested out of NOWHERE that I go to a nearby jump-school with him. He must've been psychic, because I've been dreaming of jumping for as long as I can remember. I did a tandem jump @ 15,000 ft./60sec freefall (pretty standard, right?), and it's all i can think about now. If anyone wants a good laugh, my video is here: http://www.realxstream.com/?XStreamID=24855&Vid=1
Now, all I have to do is find a good place relatively close to Oklahoma City...mwa-haha.

It's great to be here, and I look forward to chatting with you all!
Did you know that due to the shape of the North American Elk's esophogus, that even if it COULD speak, it could not pronounce the word lasagna?

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I'm an Army reservist from Oklahoma.

When you come back, can you sneak some non-3.2 Bud and Coors in with you?


I did a tandem jump @ 15,000 ft./60sec freefall (pretty standard, right?), and it's all i can think about now.

Dude, you got ripped off! Most tandems get like five minutes!

Seriously, one minute is pretty standard if you're going to 14,500 or 15,000. :)


There, made it clicky for you.


Now, all I have to do is find a good place relatively close to Oklahoma City...mwa-haha.

Is about an hour close enough? I've been jumping in Cushing. There is also a dropzone in Hinton, but I think it might be closed... I heard they were closing and their Web site doesn't work anymore.


Tulsa, Oklahoma
PLF does not stand for Please Land on Face.

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HEY! An Oklahoman!!
I'm not sure if I'll be able to smuggle beer in the luggage that I check, but I'll sure try for ya! 3.2 beer is all you can get in Oklahoma, in case anyone who reads this is wondering. Most places are 6. An hour is NOT too far to drive, for the sake of jumping from a plane. Is the Cushing DZ good? I can't wait to jump again, but I won't lie: I'm really skittish...I think the atmosphere is really going to have to promote a pretty strong sense of security in me to be able to jump again. We need to keep in touch man!
Did you know that due to the shape of the North American Elk's esophogus, that even if it COULD speak, it could not pronounce the word lasagna?

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HEY! An Oklahoman!!

It's kind of hard to find Oklahomans on the Internet; the Indians keep cutting the damn phone lines. :) Seriously, there are a few of us around here.


3.2 beer is all you can get in Oklahoma, in case anyone who reads this is wondering.

You can get better-than-3.2 beer, but only at a liquor store - not at the grocery store, quick mart, etc. The liquor stores are not open on Sunday. You can't get better than 3.2 Bud, Coors, or Miller (I think those are the ones) at all - this isn't really a law but the result of some dicksize war the distributors had with the state, I think. Look on your next bottle of beer where they have the "5 cent refund in IA, ..." list and somewhere near there you'll see an "OK+" if it is more than 3.2 beer.


Is the Cushing DZ good?

Well, they do good maintenance on the gravity... I've never once jumped out of the plane and gotten stuck in the air. :) I like it, but I'm biased... I don't work there but I have made most of my jumps there. They have a Cessna 182 for sure, and the last time I checked, they also had a Cessna 206. The hangar/facilities are as good or better than any 182 dropzone I've been to, but at this point I haven't been to very many of them.


I can't wait to jump again, but I won't lie: I'm really skittish...I think the atmosphere is really going to have to promote a pretty strong sense of security in me to be able to jump again.

Well, if you're not sure, it's not illegal to come out to the DZ and just watch and talk to people. I did that at a couple of DZs before my first jump and that's a large part of why I ended up in Cushing.

PLF does not stand for Please Land on Face.

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Heck yes, I'm going back for student training!! B|
Tell ya what, I think I'm going to look into doing my training at a school in Chickasha that I found (like...1/2 an hour from my house), but I certainly wouldn't mind a drive to cushing either!

Hey...what happens if you DO get stuck in the air?
Did you know that due to the shape of the North American Elk's esophogus, that even if it COULD speak, it could not pronounce the word lasagna?

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Hey...what happens if you DO get stuck in the air?

Yes please tell US - I heard last night that you can get stuck -under canapy. ( wind won't let you go any were ) Curious to see the answer on this one.



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Hey...what happens if you DO get stuck in the air?

Hmmm...you don't really get "stuck" in the air. I promise you, you will eventually come back into contact with the earth, hopefully safely! Sometimes your canopy can get "lift" when you go over certain areas, like a thermal coming up over the runway. You may have to adjust your pattern a little to compensate for the small amount of extra altitude you gained, but it really shouldn't be anything you need to worry about. Most importantly, ask your instructor what he or she wants you to do in this situation.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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As the guy who came out with the "getting stuck" comment, let me make clear that it was a JOKE. :)

I know that when people ask "is this dropzone any good" they really want to know about what kind of plane they have, is the maintenance on the plane OK, are the staff friendly and helpful, are the other jumpers friendly and helpful, etc. But I'm a smart-ass so I'd rather assume that they want to make sure the gravity works well at that dropzone.

Caution: low jump numbers here. The closest thing I've heard of (or experienced) as far as "getting stuck" is when you get under canopy and the wind speed is just about equal to the forward speed of your canopy. If you point yourself directly into the wind, you'll come more or less straight down, and if your canopy is lightly loaded, you won't come down very fast. But you _are_ losing altitude. You're not absolutely "stuck", since if you turn the canopy out of the wind at all, you'll get blown somewhere by the wind. But if the landing area is far enough upwind of you, then yeah, you're "stuck" in that you probably can't make the landing area.


Most importantly, ask your instructor what he or she wants you to do in this situation.

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PLF does not stand for Please Land on Face.

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Oh geez, lol.
I was kidding about the "what do you do if you get stuck" hehe. But then, it never occurred to me while I was writing it that one really CAN get "stuck" once the chute is out. I was actually asking what happens if you get stuck in the air before you actually pull!

And, if God is a woman, I hope she thinks I'm cute. If so, when I die, I'll have no choice but to ask her out on a date.
Did you know that due to the shape of the North American Elk's esophogus, that even if it COULD speak, it could not pronounce the word lasagna?

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HEY! An Oklahoman!!
I'm not sure if I'll be able to smuggle beer in the luggage that I check, but I'll sure try for ya! 3.2 beer is all you can get in Oklahoma, in case anyone who reads this is wondering. Most places are 6. An hour is NOT too far to drive, for the sake of jumping from a plane. Is the Cushing DZ good? I can't wait to jump again, but I won't lie: I'm really skittish...I think the atmosphere is really going to have to promote a pretty strong sense of security in me to be able to jump again. We need to keep in touch man!

Vermont Longtrail...7.2% =)


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