
Another one crowdin ur airways :P

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Hello to everyone, got the URL for this site from a friend and decided to "drop" in. Pun intended :P

Went out for the first time after years of knowing i'd do it one day. Couple hours training, and we were off. Unfortunatly only got 1 jump in due to scheduling issues, but a day i'll remember for a long time :)

3000ft Ceiling, static line jump.

Im sure you've all seen hundreds of these first time jump videos, but i figure why not post it anyways, your choice to watch or not :D.

Just a short clip of the landing. Nice lil stumble there where my right leg almost gave out due to a thigh injury from a week ago >.<, which i reinjured there, but at least i made it standing :D. Its 1 week later, and the leg is still tender, but i plan on going again this coming weekend on the 30th :)

Anyways, here are the videos, hope they provide a few laughs. Cya in the forums folks, and thanks for the great website you've provided.


Here is my hillbilly friends landing from the same day. Doesnt flare soon enough and chews a bit of dirt :P


Disclaimer: No rednecks were harmed in the making of this video.

~Maruku out

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