
Hello from Sunny South East Texas

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I am currently what you all call a WUFFO, but as soon as income tax comes back I will lose my skydiving cherry. It has taken my wife Moodyskydiver 18 months to do it but after reading about half of her copy of the SIM I have decided to make my first but (keeping fingers crossed) not last jump. She has advised me that a tandem is the best for a first time jumper and that if I like skydiving then seeing about going in to an AFF or AFP school. She has also given me, my very own log book. I am 37 years old a corrections officer, I have been in a few very tight spots at work as far as mass inmates fights and minor riots (if there really is such a thing as a minor riot) One of many reason that I want to skydive is to see if the “rush” for lack of a better word that one gets from skydiving is greater then being in a chow hall with 700 inmates trying to kill anything that moves. From what moodyskydiver has told me it is like apples and oranges. I will find out very shortly. I have many other and better reasons for jumping, they number to many to list in this first post. I am also hoping that it can be worked out that I can get her to a tandem as well, but with her knees being is as bad shape as they are I’m not sure how that could be figured out. Also my 65+ old mother plans on coming along as well. She would like to jump but she has admitted she will not know if she is up for it to she gets to the Drop Zone. Before I forget as of right now Moodyskydiver plans and taking me to Skydive Aggie Land.
Remember that expectant life span is an average, and most people are below average
--Garrison Keillor

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Don't know how much of a rush it is to be among inmates, but I'm a school teacher looking to sell anything to make money to dive. It is truly amazing! I'm new with only 2 AFF jumps, but I'm always looking to find time to head toward the DZ. ENJOY!!
Have You Hugged Your
Local Skydiver Today?

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Well, when dealing with people that have nothing better to do with the day then to....well you get the idea. Most of the inmates that I have to deal with have nothing to lose and will never see the freeworld again so for the most part you have to stay relaxed and know what is going on around you at all times. If you can't let you body relax but keep your mind sharp you could get dead real fast. Thank (enter the diety of choice here if you happen to go that way) that does not happen very offen. I have been cut, burned, had all kinds of body fluids thrown on me.

From what my wife has pointed out that one of the keys to enjoying skydiving is beable to relax but keep your wits about you. So I think that from 16 years of corrections I may have an idea on how to do this, but I am keeping an open mind to the sport do to the whole apples and oranges thing.
Remember that expectant life span is an average, and most people are below average
--Garrison Keillor

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Well then, yall come and visit, then you'll find out how skydiving effects you

You are so right in that statement. One thing no one can stand is a no it all that have never done what he knows everything about. I will try very hard to learn what I can before I get there, but I still understand nothing can really beat the doing of an act. Like the poet said "For all things there is a first time"

My wife has nothing but very good things to say about your DZ. That is why she picked it for my first jump. Right now we are just waiting the paperwork to files taxes then we will be seeing you. :)
Remember that expectant life span is an average, and most people are below average
--Garrison Keillor

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Hello all

I am currently what you all call a WUFFO, but as soon as income tax comes back I will lose my skydiving cherry. It has taken my wife Moodyskydiver 18 months to do it but after reading about half of her copy of the SIM I have decided to make my first but (keeping fingers crossed) not last jump. She has advised me that a tandem is the best for a first time jumper and that if I like skydiving then seeing about going in to an AFF or AFP school. She has also given me, my very own log book. I am 37 years old a corrections officer, I have been in a few very tight spots at work as far as mass inmates fights and minor riots (if there really is such a thing as a minor riot) One of many reason that I want to skydive is to see if the “rush” for lack of a better word that one gets from skydiving is greater then being in a chow hall with 700 inmates trying to kill anything that moves. From what moodyskydiver has told me it is like apples and oranges. I will find out very shortly. I have many other and better reasons for jumping, they number to many to list in this first post. I am also hoping that it can be worked out that I can get her to a tandem as well, but with her knees being is as bad shape as they are I’m not sure how that could be figured out. Also my 65+ old mother plans on coming along as well. She would like to jump but she has admitted she will not know if she is up for it to she gets to the Drop Zone. Before I forget as of right now Moodyskydiver plans and taking me to Skydive Aggie Land.

Welcome and enjoy the jump. My first jump was IAD. I watched a video of my fiance - he said he was going to take lessons so I figured if he could do it....so could I. It has been a lot of fun. I imagine your work is a lot like mine - am an ER nurse by trade - you have 55 seconds of boredom followed by 5 seconds of sheer terror. You can see pics of me and my first jump course on my myspace page. Have fun:)
DPH # 2
"I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~
I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc!

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you have 55 seconds of boredom followed by 5 seconds of sheer terror

In my trade we say you have 99% boredom followed by 1% sheer terror and that 1% is more then any human should have to go through in a single life time.

The pictures are very very cool, I can't wait to post mine. Even if it is onlt a tandem.
Remember that expectant life span is an average, and most people are below average
--Garrison Keillor

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My first two jumps were tandems, and the first time was amazing; I will never forget that experience. It just keeps getting better every jump. I hope you have as good of a time as I did.;) Its cool to think that you and your wife could be jumping together at some point. Blue skies!
My drinking team has a skydiving problem

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