
Texas newbie!

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Hi, I'm Aimee from Texas. I made my first tandem last weekend and it totally ROCKED! I jumped at Capital Skydive outside of Austin with one of my closest friends, Jason. He has thousands of jumps and has been at me to do this for years...why the h did I wait?? Capital Skydive is an absolutely awesome new DZ (like i have alot to compare it to;)). The people are great, the place is huge. i STRONGLY recommend if you are ever in the area!! Planning on starting AFF as soon as I move to Austin at that DZ...Cant wait to get started!!

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Welcome to the forums! :)

THANKS! I know I am truly lucky to have someone with so much experience there for me! It is a good thing he is so patient too. I have had and will have a TON of questions to bug him with!

You're putting a lot of pressure on me. I'll see if I can handle it.;)

Tubing, so easy a caveman can do it.

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