
i want a newbie skydiving friend! (Boston!)

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So heres my deal...

in the few skydives(3) i have made, i have fallen in love with the sport, and once it warms up I am draining the bank account---going to either Maine or Orange, and jumping my butt off to get my A-License. Still young, with a good job, and nothing really to spend $$ on---so why not something I love? Never too old to start a new hobby, right?

Here is where you come in---i dont want to do this alone! I would love to have a friend that shares the same interest and would have fun going to the dropzone on weekends as we progress through AFF. If this sounds like a fun spring/summer---or you would consider it, then send me an email! Hope there is someone else out there to join!

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thanks SkyMama!

my last 2 jumps i spent a good amount of time (lunch til close) with my buddy who was packing, and a group of kids from college. Love the atmosphere there.

but would really like someone that we can say hey---lets do this come jump season---know what i mean? But ur right---might totally meet someone there, hadnt thought of that--thanks!

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