
I'm new and intimidated

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I had my first tandem jump on Sunday and I LOVED it! I think I've gone a little crazy because I can't stop looking up videos and reading up on the sport. I went with 7 friends and I'm the only one who wants to go again already!!

I know I want to jump again.
I know it will be tandem.
After that it just seems really complicated and intimidating.

Maybe after my next jump I'll feel more confident about the idea of going solo... :|

Any words of advice?

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Hey Kat,

Congrats on your first jump and welcome to DZ.com! :)
So you've already overcome the first big step, getting in the plane and out the door, so what's the problem? ;)

One of the advantages of jumping in the US though is that they offer a tandem progression course, maybe this is an option for you.

The Tandem Instructor can actually set you tasks for your skydive, like alti checks and even deploying the parachute. This sounds like a good idea to build your confidence while still having someone else in control. Maybe call the DZ and ask about it?

But believe me, accomplishing an A license is one of the most rewarding things you will ever do. And a first jump course is a very thorough way to teach skydiving and has been taught for many years with constant refinement so you really have nothing to worry about.

Good luck and keep at it! :)

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I agree with Peej. I just received my "A" this past weekend. But I would have to say there is no rush to go by yourself. I did six tandems and 30 minutes worth of tunnel time before I felt comfortable enough to go on my own. And I did not do a progression course. I met alot of people and listened to alot of stories. Do another tandem and see if you like it as much as your first. If it leaves you wanting to do another one then go for it. Have fun and stay safe.

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I got so bunged about making the first jump with my own parachute that when the time finally came it was easier than I thought it would be. That said, you do want to feel a certain comfort level with the idea so do as many tandems as it takes....in my case it was 6 and a champion skydiver at my DZ had 7 tandems before taking her FJC. If you are truly fascinated by skydiving there's a huge chance you will absolutely love learning how to do more for yourself. I will say though that learning how to skydive is more involved than I first thought so if you aren't sure you want to dedicate the time, money, and energy to it, there's nothing wrong with doing tandems until you feel you want to be more committed. Keep in mind also that on tandems you can do all sorts of things like turns, practice pulls, canopy control to some extent, etc. Whatever you do, go at the pace that's right for you and not someone else.

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I felt almost exactly the same as you. I was addicted right after my first tandem. Did all the research, watched all the videos then went to do another tandem to make sure I still loved it. Now I'm almost done AFF and each jump I love more and more and I get better and better. It IS very intimidating because there is SOOO much to learn and continue learning. But the instructors are very good about not overloading you with info and giving it to you bit by bit as you need it. Each jump seems to come with a little more confidence and knowledge. I just did my barrel rolls and back flips which i NEVER thought I'd be able to on only my fourth solo, but I did them and did them well and had the most fun yet! If you love it, go for it!
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The tandem jumps also count toward your A license so yet another reason to not think of it as wasted time or money if you want to do more before donning your own rig.

I can't wait for the barrel rolls and flips (I'm hoping to get through D1 this week so have a bit more to go before that) although I've never been known for grace so it should be interestingB|

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I am new to the sport as well. I am level 6 in AFF and trust me it only gets better after the first jump. I had taken the AFF ground course and wasnt able to immediately jump that day because of the weather, and in the next couple weeks I just got intimidated as I thought about my first jump. Thank God my intructuctor called me and told me to get out there. after a little more training, the next thing i know i am hopping out the door. its such a crazy feeling, and i am so glad she had called me because i feel like i would have missed out on so much if i didnt follow up with this sport. Trust me, if you are this fascinated by the sport (as I was), there is no way to satisfy the fire unless you actually follow up with it and jump.

you wont regret it! let me know if you have any questions or anything.... i am not tooooo far ahead of you.

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Edit: removed jackass posting and replaced with tame one...

Nah! Dont be silly. Dont get mired in the details. Your AFF Level 1 will teach you everything you need to know...


You will always remember the first time you are alone under your own canopy. Your first time only happens once, so savor that moment. I wish I had savored it a little more.

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I was incredibly scared on my tandem but loved it so much I decided to do AFF. And on my first AFF jump I found I was even more scared than on my tandem. But after that my door demon quickly went away.

Sounds like youd be a good candidate for tandem progression. Best of luck with it!
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