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I started jumping at Beiseker in 93/94, completely not intentional, I only stopped in for a coffee and to watch some friends jump. They never ever did show up and I found myself making my first jump later that evening.

I jumped for a couple seasons but due to money issues and being a single dad I shelved diving until this year again now that the kids are grown and pretty much on their own now.

My oldest girl has one tandem, my son has 4 tandems and his first jump course and my youngest is anxiously waiting for next season and her first jump ... nothing would please me more than to someday launch a four way with my kids. We'll see!

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Welcome here :)

Your kids are lucky with their dad being a skydiver... COol that they are in to it as well!

My mom is scared out of her mind everytime she knows that I will be jumping. She doesn't understand why I love it so much... she is afraid of hights.... LOL. (my brother doesn't understand either though, and doesn't even want to do a tandem....)

Hope to see some pics of your family 4-way some time.. :ph34r:

Don't try to live forever, you will not succeed!

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