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I am new to skydiving and so far have only made two tandem jumps. I can say that it changed my life! I have never done something that made me so happy! I absolutely LOVE it!

I am waiting for warmer weather to come so I can make my third tandem. I would love to learn more and move on to the static line class but there is one thing holdng me back. I have never been in an emergency situation and really don't know how I would react. I am not sure how to get past this. I figure if I go tandem a few more times, maybe I will feel more comfortable and have the courage to move on.

Anyway, this website seems pretty cool and I look forward to learning much more about the sport here!

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Welcome to the community/forms!
If you really want to see a few malfunctions go to[www.skydivingmovies.com] and check out some of the malfunctions and it'll give you an idea as to what one has to go through when things go wrong!

Where are you jumping? I am also waiting to get some good weather to come!
Wanna Hug It Out, Lets Hug It Out..Bitch!

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Welcome, I am on level 8 of my aff training. The biggest thing that I have learned so far is trust and listen to your instructors. They will (should) cover every mal imaginable. and they do it in a way where it is beaten into your head, where it will be instinct and not just so you can pass a test on the ground.
It was a great feeling after did my first solo poised exit and did a few backflips(not on purpse) and my body just arched hard and went bellydown and got myself stable. I say save your money and skip that 3rd tandem and start your S/L or aff training.

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Hey I have my first Sky dive planned for April I wanted to get it scheduled as soon as possible I have wanted to go skydiving since I was a kid and now I am able and stable enough to go for it now Ive done cliff jumping of 200 ft + and I have a facination with flying and know I am gona love skydiving now does my first jump have to be tandem or can I take the class and start my aff training asap I would ask the DZ that im going to but they arent even open yet any help on this is appreciated:D

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