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Hello everyone. I just wanted to let you all know that I have been hiding out on the forum for a time and finally decided to pull my head out of the sand and say hello. I am jumping for the first time in September for my birthday as I find it hard to get time off on the weekends. I have decided on SL for the first jump. Please let me know if SL is a BAD IDEA for the first time. I have found this forum to be especially helpful and look forward to learning more from everyone.

When in doubt...close your eyes and push. 1*

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Only my opinion (and I only have 42 jumps to my name 41 25 years ago) but I reckon a tandem is the way to go for your first then do the solo training) You will get 30 seconds at least of freefall. My first was a static line in 1981 and its over too quick. Your first should be memorable
I tend to be a bit different. enjoyed my time in the sport or is it an industry these days ??

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Hi drkkn1gh7, welcome. I did the static line jumps. The first two jumps you only have to make a stable "x". The two next jumps, you need to mark a "pull" by reaching your hand down where the handle is. And then you have two jumps where you pull a dummy handle. After that a little test, and then you are ready for Freefall jumps :-P
I am at the 7 sec jump at the moment, jumping from 4000 feet


"flying" is the most reasonable thing I ever done

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All my friends said I was nuts, by not doing a tnadem first. They pushed me hard to do a tandem, but I knew once I jumped I would be addicted. So for my birthday I registered for the AFF class and did my first jump solo as a level 1 AFF with Boothey and BAS, two great instructors.

It was the best experience I had ever had and I landed standing up. So I went right up again for my level 2 AFF on the same day. If the day was longer I would have done more. However, I sat around the midwest for quite a few weekends waiting for the winds to die down to continue, but now I have completed the AFF and am working towards my 'A' license.

However, you need to make the decision for yourself, do not let anyone make it for you.

Good luck!!!!!
Started Skydiving AFF course May 10, 2008
Passed AFF Level 7 Saturday June 21, 2008
Achieved 'A' License Saturday July 26, 2008
Achieved 'B' License Sunday September 29, 2008

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