
Hooked After One, I am Petey D

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One more for the sport ;)

Yesterday, 9/20/2008 I made my first ever jump. AFF Cat A complete, pulled me own cord! Skydive Orange Hangar I soon intend to make my new weekend home. My name is Peter but call me Petey D! I'm a 19 year old Student at the University of Maryland, in College Park aiming to study psychology and cognitive neuroscience. Right now my big interests (aside from the FUCKING OBVIOUS!) are social networking, some computer games here and there, poker (i know its risky but its already paid for my AFF Cat A-D and some gear :)
Sincere Thanks to all of you who, by jumping, make this sport known, possible, and progressive.

-Petey D ;)
Shake My Hand And Give Me A Hug!
Petey D

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welcome to the skies P...

if you ever make a trip up to Cross Keys, drop me a line. im there at least once a month.

i just did my AFF 1 on Sunday so were all tied up for now. maybe we should see who gets their A first haha

Blue Skies!
- james
- james

"i want it all and more."

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Another one bites the dust.....
Welcome to skydiving! As the sign at the back of the plane on my first jump in 2001 said:

WARNING Exiting this aircraft at altitude may result in an extreme uncontrollable additction
Tact is not my specialty.....

Dirty Sanchez #453

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