
Can't decide???

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OK, for you folks that have been jumping for a while, you can just hit the delete and move on….but,… I just gotta share my exuberance.

Knowing that, like me, there are other folks out there trying to decide to take the first plunge and others who are pondering on taking the second ---- do it !!!!

My first tandem a couple weeks ago was sensory overload, the first few seconds between leaving the plane and getting stable are pretty much lost but it was a great ride!

Today, on the other hand, rather than feeling like a piece of baggage being carried by the
instructor I felt more like a person that just happened to have an instructor between my back and the container.

I was overly conscious of the time it took to become stable. How can I describe it----
WOW, arch/exit, tumble, stable – HEY, that, arch stuff really works!!!!

I was amazed at how long 60 seconds is, but I will admit, if you asked me what the altimeter was showing each time I looked at it I can’t tell ya, but when it hit 6000 I was locked on, what happened to 59, 58, 57 and 5600- I don’t know, but at 5500 I waved off and pulled.

The rest of the trip was equally amazing.

Anyway, if you new folks, like myself, are asking yourself if you want to go for it –

Not too old, Jim
SOS #1314

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Similar story here, first tandem was overload, so I didn't really have what most would call "fun" - but planning my second jump soon - and plan to participate a lot more this time!
Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyways... - John Wayne

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You're never too old! huh?!? Welllllllll ok... I guess there MIGHT be a limit... but that wouldn't be up to me to determine.. thats for sure.. Just recently celebrated my 40th jump and 40th B-day... POP's here I come! Congrats gentlemen... keep on living.. cuz Ive heard once you stop usin' it.. you lose it! Sooo blue skies!
If flying is piloting a plane.. then swimming is driving a boat. I know why birds sing.. I skydive.

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