
Scranton SkyDiver Stuck at Cat D

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New diver here in Scranton PA and I am stuck at Cat D!! My legs are now too straight and my arch is not as pronounced anymore. I hope it is because i did 4 jumps in 1 weekend and i am not the strongest woman out there. Once I start my turn I lose my form. Could my student Vector be too big?? or was it just my achy muscles telling me to take a break and don't try to rush it. Anyway HELLO ALL and I can't wait to report my progress and read all yours. (I read a lot but don't always reply)

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New diver here in Scranton PA and I am stuck at Cat D!! My legs are now too straight and my arch is not as pronounced anymore. I hope it is because i did 4 jumps in 1 weekend and i am not the strongest woman out there. Once I start my turn I lose my form. Could my student Vector be too big?? or was it just my achy muscles telling me to take a break and don't try to rush it. Anyway HELLO ALL and I can't wait to report my progress and read all yours. (I read a lot but don't always reply)


Hi nice kitty
I'm new to jumping too, AFF level 6, the arch is the key to skydiving, and being relaxed, I failed level 4 twice because I was rigid and I was spinning both times, so I spent some time in a wind tunnel to get the feel of the air flow, it worked a treat, next time up I was turning and stopping at will. I was getting pissed at failing a level till someone said 'Hey, you jumped out of a plane today and had fun, what more do you want?' She was right. And Hey skydiving is hard work, take your time, stop worrying about it, and just have fun, and imagine the pain in my back after a skydive, I am 52!.timstokes25@hotmail.com

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take 84 east into NY,,
to 208 north,
to 44/55 west ,
to sand hill road,,,,
and you'll be at the Ranch...
Great student program, gear and staff...
fine aircraft,, ( though most of the otters might be southbound by now )
but still, if you speak with Pete, he can help you.

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Skip the offer to go to the Ranch above... you're in really good hands with great instructors at Endless Mountain, from what I have heard and from the instructors I've met from there :)
4 Jumps in one day is a LOT when you're not used to it, using muscles you weren't aware you even had. No, the student gear is not too big... those things don't fit anyone well, but that's not causing a de-arch and stiff legs.

RELAX!! :)

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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certainly meant NO disparagement to your home DZ...[:/]

only made my suggestion based on your proximity to NY and the fact that maybe a bigger aircraft would make the climb to altitude more fun, the climbout easier, and that the higher exit altitude could result in more 'airtime' per jump, allowing for the very 'relaxed form' recommended by others.

skydive softly, skydive often, skydive with friends


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New diver here in Scranton PA and I am stuck at Cat D!! My legs are now too straight and my arch is not as pronounced anymore. I hope it is because i did 4 jumps in 1 weekend and i am not the strongest woman out there. Once I start my turn I lose my form. Could my student Vector be too big?? or was it just my achy muscles telling me to take a break and don't try to rush it. Anyway HELLO ALL and I can't wait to report my progress and read all yours. (I read a lot but don't always reply)

I lay on my floor on my stomach and put my feet on my couch. I go into an arch and then release it and lay flat. If you do it enough, it feels like reverse crunches or something. My daughter likes to try to copy me. It's pretty cute because she's 2 and well...everything she does is cute.

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Is there a tunnel nearby? Maybe you could get some tunnel time in to fix your problems.

Worked for me! I did 40 minutes in the tunnel (ParacleteXP in Raeford!! THEY ROCK!!!) in two days, was a little sore, but by the end of the two days, I was doing 4-way formations (SLOPPY formations, but still doing them, nonetheless) with my two instructors and a coach.

Learned all of my "recovering from being unstable" prcedures in the tunnel, too, removing that fear, as well.

Also, I KNOW I KNOW, I'm a whuffo noob, too, but are you remembering to arch with your hips, and not your back???

Sems to me, a sore back could result from using your back to arch instead of your hips....

I have one jump to go (next Saturday) and I'm done w/ AFF.

How are you progressing with your SIM learning?
"Get these balls!"

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New diver here in Scranton PA and I am stuck at Cat D!! [snip]

*****>> RELAX! many have gotten stuck at a level, but pressed on, learned a bit, relazed a bit more, and passed through it! Take it from me! I jumped my B three times, and my Cat C1 twice! A bit if tunnel time, and C2 was like butter......I just kept pressing forward. EVERY jump is a learning experience, and every Category another stone in the foundation of your new skydiving house! You do want the foundation solid, right?

Plus, it is flat FUN to jump anyway!

Keep going...you will get there.

"The true force of the waves is in their persistence."

BLue Skies, and Safe Landings Always -


Live deliberately; Dare greatly; Land gently
SOS 1304, POPS 10695, DS 118

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Thanks. Its good to know where I am learning is being stuck up for and appreciate your feedback. I think I can think of many excuses as to why I am not Diving perfectly but the best excuse my instructor told me was "You are not a bird, It takes time to fly" Just got to remember to deploy that chute on time!!! Diane

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Wow- congrats on completing your AFF. That is awesome. Your advice to arch with the hips is good. I think I am arching with my back so that helps. No wind tunnel near by but I think with all the practice in my livingroom, visualizing and videos I will keep in mind to relax, have fun and always deploy that chute!

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Hey Diane, I met you while doing my AFF at EMS a few months ago (name's brian). It's good to see you are still jumping. I'm too poor, and too much of a wuss to jump for now, but in the spring I'll be right back to finish. Keep it up, and I'm sure I'll see you in the spring.

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