
Fairly new girl in the Florida sky

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My name is Sarolta and I was about 8 years old when watching parachuting on tv I knew that one day I would do it myself. Did 2 tandems to start with ('06 and '07) and absolutely loved them - they made me to get started on AFF in Oct 2008.
OMG, I will NEVER forget that first jump ever!!! ;) It was just so intense and exhilarating... I was speechless for 3 hours afterwards!!! :| More jumps, rejumps and tunnel time gave me more confidence after... Without a doubt this is the most amazing thing I have experienced in my life so far and (even though I am taking a big break now due to an injury related to a double landing error...:( ) I can't wait to get back doing it again! Until than I am wishing the best and the bluest skies to everybody and thanking my instructor, Randy B| all that he taught me and did for me - as well as everybody who helped me in the dz in Zhills. You guys are the best!!! :)
(Photo by Laszlo Andacs aka laszloimage)

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Hi, Sarolta.

Sorry to hear about your injury, but glad to know that you have the spirit to get back doing it.

Like you said, the most amazing thing I have experienced.
"You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who
can do nothing for him."

- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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Welcome Sarolta!

Sorry to hear that you had a landing mishap. Hopefully it wasn't too bad. As a newbie I sure would like to hear the lessons learned on that landing. I've only done AFF 1 and 2 so far and would like to minimize my potential for mishaps. So . . . if you don't mind, please share the experience - and what you would do differently.

Get well fast and back into the sky!

The meaning of life . . . is to make life have meaning.

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LOL :)

My main problem was the freefall since the beginning [:/] and tunnel training helped me with that tremendously. Also had some re- and coachjumps too. On Jan 18th this 8th jump was a coach one (so I can pass AFF4 confidently) and was my best so far. B|
Good exit, good arch, I was stable, Randy :) flew in front of me, I stayed on heading, did 360 turn, waved, pulled, had a beautiful open canopy, took some turns, found holding area, stayed altitude aware, turned upwind finally and than made the mistake I never did before and flared too high. Was bad judgement of height, probably mostly coming from looking at the ground instead of looking out 45 degrees. :(

By the time I heard Randy :) on the radio telling me not to was too late and could not do much about it - it was not high enough to get an other lift... So I was plunging to the ground without anything slowing me down and freaking out about it, so eventually I made mistake #2 and did not remember doing the PLF. :(:( Hit the ground real hard with my ass. Was no bouncing, just pain in my lower back and when Randy asked me over the radio to wave if I was ok I could not do it. :|

Than everybody was running, :o ambulance got there pretty fast, spine board, morphine, all the good stuff. I remember I kept saying I was ok and they kept telling me: "no, you are not ok. Dont move." What I meant by ok was that I was able to move all my legs and arms, :)
Zephyrhills Hospital was not my favorite with a bunch of mishaps >:( (eg. the nurse B| left me alone with the bedpan forever and I had to be stretching over it with my broken back so it wont spill - was no fun), so my advise to everybody is to avoid that place!
To make it short, I ended up with compression fracture on 2 lumbar vertebraes which takes 4-6 weeks to heal, so I should be ok by now. The reason why I am starting my 3rd month in bed and out of work, going for thereapy every day is THAT weak disc I had problems years ago and thinned to the point that the impact made a hernia on it. :( Xrays, MRI, doctors - I am doing alternative therapy to avoid surgery and I really am feeling better. :)
What I learnt from it and others can, and the reason why I go into this much length and details are:
1.) even though I thought I was perfectly healthy - I was not. (I worked two jobs, was biking, running, exercising, etc.) There was a weak point that with time would have given me hell for sure, but the impact of the accident just aggrevated it instantly. :$
2.) Can never stop learning and paying 200% attention to every move you do in situations like this, especially when you are not proficient and fully competent yet. Talk and listen to all who are experienced as much as you can. ;)
3.) Skydiving is a dangerous sport. :P
4.) It could have been a LOT worse. :)5.) Stupid hurts. :(
6.) Pain meds are much less fun than skydiving. No matter who says what!!! :|

Yes, despite ALL this I still want to go back and jump again. ;) The last 3 jumps gave me the real feeling I was initially looking for but even a 10.000 times better than I ever imagined it!! If it takes a year, I take that, because after living for 35 years without it and spending all the time trying to find the ONE single thing that is missing and finally completes me - that I found in skydiving. I can only think sky now ... And happy to share everything with like-minded individuals!!! :P;):):SB|

Well, this was the short version of what happened and how I feel now - hope you made it through all the way...

Blue skies, I shall return!


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Hello, Sarolta.

Thank you for sharing your story. It is good for noobs like me to learn from.

At the same time, I am glad to see that you have the desire to jump again. Wish you a speedy recovery.
"You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who
can do nothing for him."

- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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You are welcome! The desire to skydive again is the one that keeps my spirits up and gives me the willpower to want to live - and that is quite something in my situation. I am sure you will be much better on the AFF than I am - just listen and learn everything they show you and tell you and repeat, repeat, repeat again and again all details and moves!!!!
Best wishes,

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Was bad judgement of height, probably mostly coming from looking at the ground instead of looking out 45 degrees.

Looking out instead of down is definitely something that jumpers need to remember. I've gotten bit by it once or twice, but was fortunate to walk away. What's also important to remember is that if someone finds themselves too high after they have braked, they should not let up on the toggles and go into full flight and try to brake again. This move will give too much of a forward surge and will certainly make for a hard landing. A good question for students to ask their instructors is what they should do if they find that they've flared too high.

Thanks for posting your story, I bet someone will remember this as they go through their training. I hope you heal quicky! :)
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Nice usage of smiley's. ;)
Seems like you are keeping your spirit up after the injury. That's good.
If it makes you feel better I made similar mistakes even though I had done 190 jumps before the one I was injured on. I didn't flare too high but I was in a low turn and let the toggles up to flare so like you I surged into the ground. Also like you I neglected to PLF. I came away better off than you though, only a broken Tib/Fib. Some advice my physical therapist gave me is if it comes to breaking your leg or shifting your spine out of alignment say goodbye to that leg (not in those words obviously). :D

I kinda have to disagree with your number 6. The things you have to do to get the pain meds aren't fun but once you have them you may as well enjoy them. :P:)

Hydrocodone is crap but epinephrine (adrenaline) can't even come close to competeing with oxycodone. :|

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yeah, all those smilies... Can you tell that it is my third month in bed? LOL

I still think skydiving gives me a better high than painmeds. I hate taking drugs. First two-three weeks I was ok on some ibuprofen mostly. Nothing after that. Once or twice had to take some Darvocet. One of them gave me a fun afternoon when I forgot that I took it and had two glasses of red wine right after... ;)

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