
New Jumper!

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Hello all! Been bumming around on the site for a little over a week now...basically once I had decided to finally DO my initial jump.

I jumped last Saturday in Lodi (tandem) and the last 8 days have felt like a month. I'm definitely having trouble being patient as I wait to start AFF...I've wanted to be a skydiver since I was a teenager (not skydive, but BE a skydiver...none of this do-it-once business for me, I knew I'd get hooked) and figured there's no time like now.

So here I am! Looking forward to "meeting" y'all as I progress (at what seems like an EXCRUCIATINGLY slow pace).



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hi katiebeth,

i know what you mean about time passing so slowly.... i did my one tandem a few weeks ago, and i'm counting the days until i start aff, which is 4 more weeks for me!

good luck!

don't ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive. and then go do that, because what the world needs is people that come alive.

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Thanks! It depends on how patient I can be. If I wait a few months, I might be able to save the $$ to do it all at once...more realistically, I'll do level 1 sometime late this month or early next, then 2/3, 4/5, etc with the goal of A license by my birthday! (november) and my C license by the time I finish grad school.


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Any tips for making people less tired of me talking almost exclusively about jumping? I can't look at the sky the same anymore and nothing is making this go away! :)


Nope. They don't get it, and unless they jump, they never will.
Most folks are a little interested, and will listen to the basics, but as you go into more and more detail, their eyes will glaze over, and they will try to change the subject or wander off.

You will learn (eventually) how to keep it short and general, and when to let them change the subject.

The folks at the DZ (and on here) are the only ones who are willing to put up with it.;)
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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Welcome KM,

I got hooked on jumping when I was a freshman college student and continued through grad school. Still jumping 40 years later. It really helped in getting through school. Skydiving is a great stress reliever and head cleaner hobby. It really puts stuff in perspective.

Keep us posted on your AFF. Lodi rocks, you will have some great times.

2018 marks half a century as a skydiver. Trained by the late Perry Stevens D-51 in 1968.

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Welcome KM,

I got hooked on jumping when I was a freshman college student and continued through grad school. Still jumping 40 years later. It really helped in getting through school. Skydiving is a great stress reliever and head cleaner hobby. It really puts stuff in perspective.

Keep us posted on your AFF. Lodi rocks, you will have some great times.


Sounds about right...I just finished up my first semester of grad school and I'm pretty sure this'll help keep me grounded (er, maybe that's not the right term? :P)

I really loved Lodi and everyone I met there--I can see how it's more of a fun jumper's dz than a first timer's, though. Lodi's not too far from where my parents live, so I'm sure they'll have mixed feelings about my visits home...:)

I will absolutely keep y'all posted on my AFF...I'm still navigating decisions as to where/when since I'm actually a lot closer to Madera than Lodi. Thanks so much!


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i know exactly how you feel. i did my first tandem at the end of may, and haven't been able to keep my eyes off the sky since. my friends have heard me talking about jumping so much that a few are going to jump tandem when i start my aff jumps on july 18th. i still havent found a way to take my mind off jumping again, but i guess the best remedy is to jump.
good luck
"Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."

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Hey Katie!!!

Wouaou so new last saturday!! Hope that u enjoyed (but of course you did!!!!).

But how old are you? What didn't you do it before if you've always wanted to be a skydyver???

Check out my new website!!! :) www.greentimes.com.au or the page on FB Green Times !!!

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Hi! So, about me...I'm 22 (23 in November) and a CA native. I guess I always just thought I had to keep big dreams a little bit more "in the future"...that, and I knew once I started that would be it. No halfway, no putting off...I would be in it for good. And I knew that would require a lot from me financially/mentally/etc so I needed to be prepared to go all in. You know? I don't ever ever believe in regrets, and thus I don't regret waiting until now. I am learning I am exactly where I am supposed to be. Haha...a little philosophical there, sorry...

Anyways, if there's ANYTHING you wanna know about me, I'm an open book. I'll also be sure to post as I progress!


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Know the feeling, cant stop thinking of jumping again, did tandem a few weeks ago and finally able to schedule 1st AFF class last Thursday but couldnt jump due to weather. I must be driving everyone crazy because i cant stop talking about it. Driving to work tonight it was finally sunny and thinking to myself must rather be up in the clouds than driving to work. Hopefully can jump this Tuesday.

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Know the feeling, cant stop thinking of jumping again, did tandem a few weeks ago and finally able to schedule 1st AFF class last Thursday but couldnt jump due to weather. I must be driving everyone crazy because i cant stop talking about it. Driving to work tonight it was finally sunny and thinking to myself must rather be up in the clouds than driving to work. Hopefully can jump this Tuesday.

know the feeling. i just finished my aff jumps last friday. just remember to breath deep and relax, the dives will go much better. thinking about jumping just gets worse with every jump, but its a fun addiction. good luck!
"Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."

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